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"You know your cousin Lerato went on to become a beautiful coffee table at the presidents house." Mom said for what felt like the millionth time.

I sighed yet again"Yes mum, I know."

"What am I going to tell my friends when they ask what you do?" She asked emotionally.

"That I'm a chair, mum." Just saying the word 'chair' always sends her into hysterics.

"AH! My lovely son why would you break your mother's heart like this? Have I not been a good mother? Did I not show you enough love?"

" Mom, you did everything right. This is just the path I've decided to take, I was hoping you'd support me." I said sadly.

"Your poor father must be rolling in his grave. A chair!" She said 'chair' like it was a dirty word not to be said in esteemed company, " Could you not have chosen something else, something less disreputable. LIke a lovely coffee table or an armoir, even a tv stand."

"No mum, this is my calling. I want to make people feel comfortable."

"Where did you learn all this chair nonsense? We tried to give you the best start in life and you just throw it away."

"I didn't learn it anywhere, I was born to be like this and I can't change it. If you really hate it that much then I'll go and you'll never have to think about your disappointment of a son ever again." I said turning to go.

Just as I was about to shut the door to her she called my name.

A/N: I know that dynamics of this are a bit off but yeah

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