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It wasn't fun watching the world go to shit. Buildings were burnt to the ground , the people raged and the army came in to fix it, problem was, this was no ordinary advisary. People didn't keep going when you shot them point-blank in the abdomen, people didn't drag their torn bodies across the streets, people didn't scratch until your skin came of and then eat your guts. The soldiers didn't know how to deal with them and that split second where they looked on in awe as the dead didn't even flinch was what cost them their lives. People poured into the streets trying to loot what they can while the world was in disorder, little did they know society would never right itself. They stole a tv but in a few months there would be nothing to watch, stole cell phones but they wouldn't have anyone to call. I watched it all happen through a broken convenience store window.

I got wet for the first time because the rain just went straight into the store. I was moved around as the dead shuffled through the store and pushed around when people came in to scavenge what they could from what was left. I watched as the owner of the store had to shoot his own mother to get her to stop attacking him, then slowly with shaking hands he put the gun to his temple. His brains are still splattered all over me. You see, furniture is one of those things people stop caring about when the world goes to hell. No one has time to pick out a sturdy chair when they might not live to enjoy it the next day.

My legs have started to rot.I can feel the insects chewing through them until there is no more, one more bump from a wayward walker and I would be on the flooded floor. I miss seeing people smiling when people come here they never smile their eyes flicker around searching for enemies. I miss the old world. Perhaps one day the world will get back to its former glory I know I won't be able to see it but I have hope that they will dig themselves out of the hole they are in. for now all I can do is watch and wait to die  

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