Carolynn The Armchair

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Stella is not an idiot, she could tell he was going to leave her. Stella also knew that because of her infidelity he would get everything in the divorce and she could not have that. She did not marry up just to have a taste of the good life then get thrown right back down to pauperdom after only six years. She rants out loud a lot when she's alone, what else is a housewife meant to do when when there are no kids to take care of , apparently talk to the furniture.

She talks about everything from the latest slight from one of her socialite friends to the murder she's planning. Every detail painstakingly thought out and said out loud in a room where she thinks no one hears her. She sits in me every evening going over her plan. Stella is not the first person to sit in me and plan a murder.

I am quite old, this house is very old. I have seen family members betray each other, extramarital affairs, sabotage I've seen awful things in this house but I've also seen beauty. The former lady of the house singing her newborn to sleep, grand displays of love and affection,parties so raucous I thought they would never stop. I have seen everything in this house another murder isn't going to surprise me I just wonder if she's going to get away with it.

Stella's plan actually works. For months now she's been planting seeds in her friends minds.Subtly dropping hints that he had anger issues that sometimes he scared her. So when she says her husband attacked her and she killed him in self defense there are people to back her up.

The night comes. She spends the night needling all his triggers and insecurities provoking him until he gets up and smacks her in the face. He probably doesn't see the small smile on her face when her head snaps to the side, she just won. She slaps him back and keeps picking on him. He keeps attacking her but she is the one in control. Stella subtly leads him around the room bumping into things and breaking them. They bump into me tipping me on my side.It's not the best vantage point but I can still see most of what is happening.

She is trying to direct him to the ornament case where a particularly heavy paperweight is placed for her to easily bash his head in. I'm silently rooting for her, I've known him his whole life and he has always been careless with furniture. Spilling on cushions and rather than clean them has them thrown away, breaking furniture when he has one of his tantrums .Now he finally gets what he deserves.

Before they can make it to the ornament case he wraps his hands around her throat. This surprises us both.She had anticipated him attacking but never actually trying to kill her.She desperately scratches at his hands, her legs kicking out frantically. I can see her eyes darting around her mouth opening and closing trying to get one more breath in, her face turns rapidly blue.I can see the exact moment when the life leaves her body. t.

His hands are still wrapped around her neck I don't think he realizes what he's done just yet. He looks into her sightless eyes and starts to weep. He wraps his arms her lifeless body and holds her close to him as his body violently shakes with sorrowful sobs.

Their relationship might have been toxic now but I knew he had loved her once. After a few moments his sobs stops and he lays her down gently. He lifts me up from and puts me back in my original position. He picks her body up and places her in me. He props her body up like how it would be when she was holding court with all her society friends. Her body is limps so he struggles keep her head up. Apparently seeing her like this battered and bruised and lifeless evokes another wave of tears from him and he falls to his knees burying his face in her lap.

This time it takes longer for him for to collect himself. When he does he retrieves his phone from the coffee table and makes a call.

"Hello, I'd like to confess to crime." He says with eery calm, "I killed my wife."

He gives them his address then puts his head back into her lap and waits.

Stella is not an idiot but she played a dangerous game and now she's lost.

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