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Ding ding ding.There goes the bell, the girls should come running down the stairs in approximately ten seconds. Just as expected the first footfall sounds and ten more follow after it.  I can hear the girls run down the stairs pushing and shoving each other with only one objective in mind, to get to me. Not to sound narcissistic but everyone wants me.

I live in the common room of an all girls boarding school.  I am by far the most comfortable chair in the entire school so everyone wants to sit in me.  I have been stolen by other forms 16 times in the thirty years I have been at this school. Why am I so comfortable? The answer is simple:

I love ass.

Ass is my passion,  as a chair I get to devote my life to its comfort and I get to caress the soft curves everyday.  Everytime someone sits in me I mould myself to fit them specifically even as they move around;there is never an uncomfortable position when a person is sitting in me.  They know this so, they fight for the comfort I offer.

Being assigned to a girls school was like a kid being told he could live in Willy Wonka's factory,  I love watching movies.  The lucky that gets to sit on me today is named Colleen, she is one of my favorites. She is an athlete so her butt is nice and firm. Colleen sighs as her tight butt hits my surface and the other girls groan in annoyance going to find other less comfortable chairs.

In truth there is something I am chasing... The perfect ass. It is big but not too big, soft enough to move when she walks but not like yoghurt soft. And it must be a visual feast with a curve like a rainbow.

Some have come close but they were always lacking something. Sarah Jackson, class of '98 , her was so visually appealing it was almost edible but it was too soft. Jamila Ramjatten, class of '78, it was beautiful and firm but too small.  The closest was Rutendo Butau,  class of '09,vhers was everything you would want in a keister but it was a bit too long.  I have spent my entire life on this quest to find it. Perhaps, I should give up after over fifty years  searching surely I would have found it by now.  Maybe, it's just never meant to happen it is a fool's errand.

Minutes after I decide to let it go,  I hear footsteps coming down the stairs.  A new girl enters the room and looks around for the first time. Her eyes linger on me for a second before moving. She is beautiful but I don't pay her much attention, that is until she turns around. There it is! She is the one I can just tell. Just like that the fire is ignited in me again. I have to have her...

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