Harold II

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Harold The Armchair pt2

My leg had just been fixed, I was seated in the back of a moving truck. For the first time, I could see the world. I had been on that property my whole life I had never seen anything outside of it.The ride to the carpenter's I could not see anything because they had to lie me down, now I could see a real road and hear the crunch of tires on real tar. I saw so many different trees and they stretched high into the heavens. The sight of these clouds in real life was much more than the pictures in the books the Tshabalalas read. I saw birds,cows, chickens on the countryside as we travelled home.

When  we reached a town the driver stopped at a food establishment. A large golden 'M' was on the roof, I had seen the symbol many times when the family got take-away. The place seemed full so, the two men would probably take a while to get their food. I took this as an oppurtunity to soak in the world I probably wouldn't see for another four generations. Traffic was very busy here I saw more cars than I had ever seen. I could see a mother arguing with her children in the car and looking around hoping no-one could see them,but I could. Eventually, she just left the child in the car crying. I could see other happier people coming through.

A lovely green car parked right in front of me and five teenagers climbed out. They are all so young, they smile easily without many worries. They laugh loudly at the a joke one of them makes attracting the attention and disapproving looks from almost everyone in the restaurant, but they do not seem to notice choosing instead, to enjoy their moment. The two men have gotten their orders and are enjoying their meals. The angry mom takes her food and returns to her car where she thrusts the food at the child and drives off ignoring his protests.

The teenagers have been causing quite the ruccus. When they get to the counter they take forever to order and you could see the other customers and cashier are notably annoyed with them. When they pay they have to dig deep in their pockets pulling out coins and random objects from their pockets. They leave laughing with nothing but ice-cream cones in their hands.

The men return and our journey continues. We eventually stop at a house and they remove me from the truck. I have seen so much but I am glad to be home but when I look around the only problem is...This is not my home!

A/N: I've got exams soon, so I'll be away till November(lol like anyone even cares). Byee

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