Prologue (2): Star Festival's Eve

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Why do I have black holes in my eyes? I feel a corner of my mouth rise in confusion.

"What do you mean 'black holes'? My eyes are normal." I say, feeling my voice drop to a more innocent tone. "Humans cannot see them." The blue haired man finally speaks. He looks at me with serious, yet sorry eyes. I look at him, then I move to the door, feeling extremely threatened. "Stop right there." Leon says, storming to me. I see his hand coming for me, so I duck out of its way and take off to the open balcony. I cannot forget those eyes the princely man had. The slight disgust, the fear. The fear. I reach the balcony railings, then suddenly remember that I am on the fourth floor. I am shaking now, What options do I have now? I clamber onto the railings, but my mind is still addled from the high I had earlier. Over my own pajama leg, I trip.

The coldest wave rushes over me as I realize that I am going to die. Tumbling forward, my stomach nots and my brain plays everything in slow motion, and I am falling, scrambling for something, anything to hold on. I feel tiny tears because my life is over when it had just begun. I think of how my mother would have to come here, to Japan, to claim my body and bury me in our homeland. I think of how crushed she will be when the autopsy says it was a drug-induced accident or a drug-fueled suicide. My heart aches so much for her, that I am distracted from the fact that I will die right this moment. My life will end, but before it does, I am hoisted up by an arm. My thoughts crash into a messy halt.


Am I not falling to my death anymore?

I glance up to see the copper-haired man holding me like a parcel. I am crying, so I look down, and realize that while I had stopped my frightful fall, we were not going back to safety. I see the balcony shrinking, and soon I see the roof of my apartment block with its sloppy and rusting railing. We are going higher. "Stand." He says, his voice disinterested. He lets me put my feet on the air, and soon I am standing alongside him. I was standing on air. The city in which I lived spread out below me. I turn ever so slowly to look at the man next to me, and I meet his star-speckled eyes. "Am I still high?"

"We're going a little higher." He says, still holding my arm. I shut my eyes, convinced that if I keep them closed for long enough I'd be back in my room, on the floor, possibly having an asthma attack. But when I peel them open, I am met with a vastness I have never seen before.

At my feet, the lights of man lay. I see the tiny headlights of cars and motorcycles move along the veins of the city. I see some lights flickering. So many colors. But when I turn to what is ahead, my shoulders slump in crippling disbelief.

The stars in the sky.

They are something I have never experienced in such a raw form before. Having always lived in a city, I was never able to see more than a few stars in the indigo sky. When I was lucky, I'd see a line of three of them. I didn't know the constellations at all, but I knew that they were beautiful. The sparkling dots that I'd always look up at when I was out at night. I remembered that painful yearning I'd had to explore this expanse, and the equally painful reality that I was only a human being. Before me, this whole expanse lay before me, almost at the tip of my fingers. My chest hurt very bad, and I grasped it, bending over slightly. "It's beautiful, isn't it?" I don't understand the emotions I am feeling, but I bite my lip and nod slowly. "I've always looked up at them. Wondering if I could just walk amongst them. If I could forget my worries and get lost in the cosmos." There is no floor, but I somehow manage to fall to a squat, still holding his hand. "You love the stars." I nod, holding back tears of emotions not yet deciphered. "But the stars cannot love you."

I look up at him, and I see that look. It is not directed at me, but I know that look all too well. Such a disdainful look. I am trembling again. But the stars cannot love you. Immediately, I wrench my hand away from him, and as soon as I do, I am hurtling through the air. Falling, falling, falling. He grows smaller, then he says, "The stars will never love you."

Ok, so I was really eager to publish the second part of this story because I did it yesterday at 3 in the morning and I just wanted y'all to see it. So I'll be silently working on the next few parts. Sorry it's so short, but I just feel like the dramatic tension was perfect. 

Ok see y'all later. 

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