When Will the Meat of this Story Start.

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"FUCK!" I sit up suddenly in my bed, my hand reaching for the wall. Where was this? My room? I look at the balcony, and I realize there is sunlight streaming through the open door. My thin curtains flutter languidly. When my surroundings check out, the pounding headache takes priority. It feels like a sorority party in my head, like the ones in the movies. I groan, wondering why I got high yesterday, and the alarm goes off. I lose my shit and punch it quiet.

I don't want the TV on, so I prepare for work in peace and quiet. I down about four pills of aspirin, and was eagerly awaiting the effects to wash over me. I sit in front of my mirror, makeup products strewn across the floor. I look at the washed out face that stares back. My eyes are blood-shot and my skin is breaking out again. The dark pimple marks never seem to get better. My skin tone is uneven, and I look nothing short of a train wreck. For today I suppose I'll just do my eyebrows, a little bit or mascara and some foundation to make me look a little more even. I dare not think of applying eyeliner because I am not confident I can draw straight lines today. I take the foundation that I had to order online because it was way too difficult to find my skin tone in Japan, and squirt some on the back of my hand. With a brush, I just go crazy, rubbing it on my cheeks, forehead, chin. I rub for a long time, until I look like an even surface. 

It is then that i realize. I should have done my eyebrows first.

Today was going to be a very bad day. I could feel it in the way I walked, in the way I carried my hand bag. In the way the air feels today. It is hot, and it feels like my makeup will melt off me. Naturally, I get some looks on the street. I don't know if I get comments too because my music is blaring through my earphones. I am African. Kenyan, to be specific. I have darker skin, a large nose, even larger lips. My hair, in its natural state, which it currently is in right now, is a humongous dark cloud over my head. For work, I braid it into a bun and smooth down my dying edges. I know that the trend here is for subtle makeup to make one look cute, childish, adorable. But I know for a fact that the trend will not work in my favor. That is why I prefer to go with the Western trend. Sharp, sleek eyebrows, full lipstick, contouring. They worked much better for me. Especially since I never smiled, except for work. I like to think it makes me looks, sexy. Like those Victoria's Secret models maybe.

When I finally drag myself to the Help Desk, Hiyori is there, arranging pamphlets and welcoming customers. I roll my eyes. Her unnaturally jovial nature is not the first thing I need on this beautiful, wonderful morning (I'm being sarcastic here. About the morning, not her happiness by the way). I put on my plastic smile and greet her in Japanese. "Oh my! You look wonderful today!" she says, her face a ray of blinding sunshine as she compliments my shoddy (I'm joking. My makeup is bomb af as usual) makeup. My smile gets even more hollow, and I say, "You're looking even more wonderful you jovial person." She giggles, and begins on her rant about her wonderful morning. She says something about my horoscope, about it being the first today. Fateful encounters and the like. I smile to everything, nodding, laughing, as this information passes over my well styled head.

I wish I listened to it then.

One of our coworkers calls for us. The Star Festival is about to start.

I am outside in the cooling air, watching as the people filter in. I give plastic smiles, pamphlets, information. There are lots of kids around. Naturally I smile to them, but lots are scared and rarely ever smile back. Whatever, story of my life. When I know no more people are coming, I move to assist in anything the customers may want. There is a place in which people hang their wishes and hope for them to come true. It's a new idea that the higher ups thought would be wonderful. I, on the other hand, thought that anyone who had enough time to make wishes should be working towards them, not placing their beliefs on non-existent 'gods' or stars or whatever that hype was. As I thought this, I see a conflicted-looking child. The woman next to him is engrossed in a conversation. What it was about is a mystery, one I do not care to uncover. I look at the child and wonder what I should do. Well, I should do my job.

I squat slowly, thanking God I insisted on wearing pants. "Hello there." I say, a moderately cheerful smile on my face. In my experience, showing your most cheerful smile was a mistake. It was like the monster under your bed suddenly getting friendly with you. It made me look too suspicious. The child, a small boy, maybe seven or eight, stiffens with fear. It was the expected response. "Do you need any help?" he looks down, afraid to answer, but there is no need for him to do so. I see the card in his little hands. "You want to hang up your wish?" I say this in the most innocent voice I can muster, which isn't very difficult, considering the many times people have commented on my childish voice. He looks up, and nods shyly. 

"Did you know that the higher up the wished are, the faster they're granted?" I ask, easing more cheerfulness in my smile. "R-really?" I nod. He looks a lot happier, his little cheeks flushed with the new prospect. "Yeah, really. Wanna give it a try?" now he nods enthusiastically. I put out my hand, and he places his wish carefully in it. "Ok, here we go." I say, tying the wish the highest I can get it. When I'm done, I look down at him, his cute face beaming. "Thank you very much, lady." "No problem, kiddo."

I hate children, but they are innocent. There is nothing that will change that. They believe virtually everything an adult will tell them. Things like Santa is real, or that wishes will come true if you try hard enough. So I entertain them only because I would rather not deal with them when their fantasies are crushed by the powerful hand of reality.

"A strange sight. You surrounded by wishes."

The voice is loud and clear even in this crowd. All the noise becomes dull, like God turned down the volume on life itself. I know that voice. That is why I turn, ever so slowly, and I come face to face with a being that I believed only existed in my high. 


I just saw y'all three hours ago haha. I am so excited for this story, I'm working harder than I ever have. I have a few more chapters so I'll continue to post. And maybe I'll cut down on these annoying author's notes whatever at the end of every part. 

Have a good read!!

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