I'll Just Call this Chapter 1

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A man with ash brown hair. Some of it fell off to the side of his head, and the rest is pulled up in a ponytail. His brown eyes smile at me. He is dressed in an Uta no Prince cosplay, I am sure. Slowly, I turn away from him. I replay all the events of this morning in my head, looking for any and all inconsistencies that may indicate that I am still tripping major balls. No, everything checked out. So I was not high as fuck right this moment? "Don't be so scared. I know last night was, strange, but can't we have another go at first impressions?" I turn around again and see a brunette with short hair. His face was smooth, jovial. He reminded me of those K-pop stars. My mind has gone blank, but I see the crowd's attention shift to the three men. Of course, what else would I expect. I inhale slowly. "Dui."

I see his face light up with pleasant surprise. "I'm glad you remember my name." he says, smiling with his eyes closed. Like in the fucking animes. Your name was the fucking easiest. I smile instinctively. "If you know my name, then won't you let your heart be mine?" Fuck you and your cheesy one liners you piece of shit. "No. No thank you. I like my heart where it is." I say in my most quiet, polite voice I can muster. "Let me introduce, RE-introduce myself too!" The man with the ash brown hair steps forward. He gives a smile that Casanovas probably give to anything in a skirt. I feel my heart grow colder. I do all I can not to turn my head away from him. "Ichthys." I simply say. His eyes fly open in shock. "You remember me too?" he looks happy. "How can I forget. You were the only one who would dance to the beat. Good man." I nod approvingly. He takes my hand in his, bringing it closer to his mouth. Skillfully, I pull It away with a plastic smile. "Ichthys, quit playing around." I look up from the flirt, and meet the king of all things emo. Somehow, I still smile.

"I'm gonna be sick If I have to hang around here any longer." He says, disgusted. Then leave. What even are you doing here, you idiot. "Typical human fancies. Surrounded by wishes. I want to be rich. I want a big house. I don't listen to human wishes, but why don't you try me. Tell me some of your human wishes" I tilt my head slowly. "Make me rich. Get me a comfortable life. Make sure my family is comfortable for the rest of their lives. Stop the wars, stop the sickness, stop the death. I'd love for you to make those come true." I say in a clueless voice. Whenever I have to deal with condescending asshats like these, I always find myself spewing painful facts and entertaining their stupidity in an innocent voice and an equally innocent face. I see his slight shock, but before he can say anything, a booming voice says, "Granting human wishes is OUR job. So don't stick your nose where it doesn't belong." Oh come on. None of you even do your jobs well. Whether it's granting wished or punishments. What bullshit are you spewing?? Leon, the copper-haired douchebag, casually walks forward.

The crowd is full of theories as to what is happening before their eyes. These six cosplayers making a scene. Perhaps it was a proposal? A theme for the show? No, crowd. None of those. Just six assailants of my home having a little get together. Nothing as fancy as a show. Much less a proposal.

"Aw, you managed to track her down." The blonde man said, mock sadness. The three closest to me look displeased at the other three's arrival. Oh Christ they're multiplying. "I guess we should've been a little more careful." Ichthys steps forward, a cold smile on his face. "It was rather mean of you, not telling us about the goddess." I feel like this conversations is spinning wildly out of control. At the comment of goddesses, I spin on my heels and begin walking back into the crowd. "Hello? Why are you looking away when we're right here? That makes me sad." You make me sad, you bastard. I turn round to see the blonde princely guy. "I have absolutely no idea what your name is." He makes a mocking pout, then walks over and throws his arm over my shoulder. He receives a surprise when I gently spin out of his grasp. "Then why don't we get to know each other tonight. You spent yesterday with Leon. Why not try me?" Why are you acting like this when you gave me a disgusted look yesterday? Bitch, you looked like you'd purge me first if we were in The Purge! "No thank you." I bow my head slightly.

"You flirt too much, Teorus. Come." Huedhaut says, gently pulling me away. I, in turn gently pull my hand away from him. "Hello. It is nice to meet you." I give a small bow with my head. "It is a pleasure to meet you too, Huedhaut" I smile. He also seems a little shocked, but he smiles. "I am the ruler of Aquarius. I hope we can get to know each other better." That makes one of us haha. "And if you're not ok with something, be frank. Just say it out loud. You've always bee—" "Ok, that is a wonderful opportunity. I'm going to take you up on your offer, Huedhaut. I do not like the position you people are putting me in. You show up at my workplace, cause huge disturbances, then expect me to just casually play along. I don't know, nor care where you are all from, but I really need you to leave. My whole life hinges on this wonderful little job I got here. Whatever goddess you are looking for, she is not me. So I ask you to leave me, my job and my 'hovel'--" I turn to give the emo haircut guy a smile "alone."

All the six men look at me with shock. Yes, I just told them off. No, I do not care. I gesture to the exit. The black haired man steps forward. "How dare you talk to gods that way." "You are not my gods, so the way in which I talk to you is up to me." I smile in response. He turns round to look at Ichthys. "This cannot be her." No fucking shit Sherlock that's exactly what I said. "I'm positive. We did, after all, land in her apartment." He responds, shrugging his shoulders. The blonde has a confused look on his face, and he turns to Scorpio. "What are you guys talking about? A goddess?" Ichthys looks at him. "Yes. Were we not fated to land near a goddess?" he asks. The blonde's smile wavers. "She is not a goddess." Yeah, really, I'm not. I'm a fucking 'black hole' apparently. The emo man moves to me, saying, "Show me your eyes." "Absolutely! Have a look, please." Maybe if you fucking see I'm not a 'goddess' whatever you'll leave me alone. He looks into my eyes, then squints. His face doesn't change for a while, then suddenly, he draws back, his eye wide from shock.

I smile at him. "See? Now that you have confirmed with your own...eye...will you please leave me alone?" I see his face slowly come back to its cold, angry glare. "No." we all turn to Leon. Shut the fuck UP Leon!! "We were not led to the goddess as was planned, but we were led to you. You still have some importance in our lives." He says. It is astounding how haughty he manages to sound even when he says simple things. He opens his mouth to say something else, but a piercing screech cuts him short.

My head whips to the direction of the scream. "Get down from there! It's dangerous!!"

A child clambers to the edge of the roof.

Haha how is all this nothing more than a prologue in the game??! 

Well, whatever, have fun!

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