Chapter 2

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 I waste no time as I sprint to him. I feel a wind blow, and I see his tiny body shake a little. Not on my watch, brat. I grab his arm before planting my high heel on the edge of the roof. With all my might, I push off with that leg, and we fall back to safety. The kid lands on me and manages to knock all the air out of my lungs.

His mother is at our side, crying and thanking me profusely. I nod, in pain, but smiling. I feel like a pile of fresh crap. She pulls her child into her arms, and I get up. Hiyori runs to my side, her face pale as she inspects me. "Are you all right??" she sounds panicked. What for, bitch? I barely tolerate you. "I'm fine, don't worry." I offer a pained smile. The crowd is now aflame with adrenaline.

"What's going on?"

"Isn't this a show?"

"That was so cool!"

The situation is way out of hand. Think. Think of a way to bring the situation back to normal. I look at the six men, all looking over at me. Some shocked, some angry, one a little excited.

"What's going on?"

"That was way too dangerous."

I find myself standing up, dusting my pants, and my huge smile is back. "Ahahaha! Ladies and gents! I am so sorry for the confusion. I decided to do a little show in the spirit of the Star Festival event. While the child was an unforeseen element, I am pleased to entertain you all with these," I briskly walk over to the six Uta no Prince cosplayers "wonderful men, who volunteered to help in this wonderful show." Redirect their attention to the six guys. Please just forget the kid. Please. "They are in character as we speak. They represent the princes of the Stars. Please put your hands together for them." I begin to clap strongly, a cold sweat breaking all over me. People begin to join, at first uncertainly, but soon the girls were screeching, clamoring forward for a better view.

"They're so hot oh my GOD!"

"He's so handsome."

"So cool."

I feel myself grin evilly as the crowd of women swamp these six assholes. I step away, making eye contact with the black haired one. He recognizes my plan immediately, and shouts over the swarming girls. I see him shrink back away from them. Serves you right, you piece of shit. I turn away and begin heading to the exit, I bet you it'd be in badass slow motion too.

While they are occupied, I sneak out, and in the darkness of a corner, I grab my back. It hurt like hell. That stupid brat! What was so interesting that you'd risk your tiny life? I remember that he had his eyes glued to the stars. They're beautiful and all that but goddamn you need to understand the limit of us humans!! I sigh, exhausted, and when I peel my eyes open I am greeted by Leon.

I jump a little, shocked out of my mind. "Oh for Fuck's sake!" I sigh under my breath. How did this ass escape my clever trap? I look at him, my face twisted with contempt. "What now."

"Serve me." He simply says.

"How's the pay?" I ask.

His head tilts in confusion. "The pay?"

"Yes. The pay. You think I'll serve you for free?" it pisses me off that his face says yes.

"Ok. In this day and age, services are traded for money. How much money would you offer if I served you?"

He scoffs. "Typical human. The only thing on your mind is riches."

I find myself nodding my head, irritated. "That's how the fucking world works, bub."

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