chapter 18

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Chapter 18


Alice and James were sitting in the common room, cuddled up. Everything was fine, they were back together and they still loved each other. Life couldn't get any better for them.

‘’Hugo, Hugo! Where are you!’’ a panicked Albus ran into the common room. ‘’Albus, calm down.’’ James shouted at Albus.

‘’no, I won’t calm down. you don't get it!’’ Albus screamed. It was serious. Albus wouldn’t yell at his brother for nothing.

‘’well, why don't you tell us what happened then?’’ James said calmly. ‘’I-It’s Rose.’’ Albus stuttered. ‘’wait, what?’’ Hugo asked, who just came walking by.

‘’she’s in the hospital wing. I think she tried to end her life.’’ Everyone froze on their place. Lily and Roxanne, who where giggling about something, just looked at Albus.

James was the first one to say something. ‘’Al, how do you know that. You can’t know that.’’

‘’I do. I had to rescue her. She jumped in the lake with only her under garment on. I’ve no idea why because she’s avoiding me for a week. Hugo, just come with me.’’ Albus said and dragged Hugo to the hospital wing.

‘’why did she do that?’’ Lily Luna asked. nobody said something. It was a shock to know that Rose jumped. Nobody knew why.


‘’omg, did you hear it?’’ Victoire asked Teddy. ‘’no, Vick. I’ve no idea what you’re talking about.’’ Teddy said annoyed.

‘’my stupid cousin Rose jumped into the black lake. She wanted to kill herself.’’ Victoire said. Teddy froze. ‘’wait, what?’’

‘’Rose jumped into the black lake. Albus saved her, thank god.’’ Vicky said. Teddy stood up and marched to the hospital wing. Madame Pomfrey, no not the one from Harry Potter’s years, but her cousin, was tending the students.

‘’ooh, Professor Lupin.’’ She said. ‘’I want to see Rose Weasley.’’ Teddy demanded. ‘’I’m sorry Professor, but you can’t her parents said they didn’t want her to have visitors.’’ Madame Pomfrey said.

‘’I’m their nephew practically!’’ Teddy shouted through the wing. ‘’Professor Lupin! Do not yell here.’’ Madame Pomfrey said angrily.

A curtain was ripped away and Ron and Hermione Weasley walked over to Teddy. ‘’Teddy, what’s your problem? Why do you want to see our daughter?’’ Ron demanded.

Teddy said nothing, but walked over to her bed. Rose’s bed. He saw her lying there. she was extremely pale and her hair was still wet. She had hit her head and she had a scare there.

Teddy didn’t want to see her like this. Teddy just wanted to cry. His Rose was hurt. She did this because she was unhappy. He should have seen this, he should have seen the signs.

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