Chapter Four, A New Home, A New Start

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Chapter Four, A New Home, A New Start

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Chapter Four, A New Home, A New Start

It had been a month since she'd been at Avenger Tower and Andromeda had found out where they were a week after they arrived. She had spoken with Tony letting him know all she'd been through in her too short life; after finding out Tony didn't run away instead he did everything he could to make her and Teddy feel safe and happy. Her life was so secure now and she and Teddy had everything they could wish for she couldn't help but fall for Tony especially the way he treated Teddy like his own son.

Under Tony's dutiful care Riley-Mae soon healed from her ordeal at the Malfoy's if only physically but she was slowly starting to heal mentally, something Andromeda had picked up on in her regular visits. They had agreed to move to America permanently, Andromeda getting a small apartment not that far from the Tower. The renovations had been completed quicker then what Riley-Mae though possible and spaces  for her and Teddy had been included in those plans, including somewhere they could learn magic without the electronics shutting down, Tony's answer was this was their home now too and he wanted them to feel it in every aspect of the Tower.

It was things like that and the means he took her out too or when they spend time in the park together with Teddy made it hard for her to fight her slowly growing feelings and instincts towards the slightly older man. Now though she had just woken up from another nightmare of that place and knew she wouldn't be able to sleep again. She propped her myself up in bed soothing her baby as it kicked frantically inside of her. Her baby was now six months along and they would find out later that day what she would be having. Looking over to Teddy in his cot, she couldn't get over how fast he'd grown in the month they'd been here, her little boy was now eight months old and had been teething lately though now he seemed to be sleeping rather peacefully thankfully for the baby tether potion she had given him before they went to bed.

Sighing as she knew she would not be able to sleep and she still felt so scared and isolated in this large bedroom. She wanted to be with Tony he made her feel safe and she needed that right now after her nightmare of that place. Calling out hesitantly she hoped the man wasn't asleep. "Jarvis." She called.
"Yes Miss Potter-Black. Shall I fetch Mr Stark?" A voice asked as if from nowhere but everywhere at once. "I am an A.I Mr Stark built me. I sense your distress what seems to be the problem?" The A.I asked.
"Where's Tony?" She asked softly.
"He is in his lab," Jarvis replied.

"Would you like me to fetch him for you?" Riley-Mae shook her head stooping down to pick Teddy out of the cot as he started to stir, she realised he couldn't see her and answered softly soothing Teddy back to sleep. "No thank you can you direct me to him. I don't feel safe in my own." She admitted softly as if she was ashamed.
"There is nothing to worry about no harm will come to you here myself and Mr Stark will see to that. Head into the lift down the hall and I shall take you to Mr Stark."

"Thank you." She muttered as she carefully shifted Teddy into one arm as she wrapped the blanket around her shoulders as it was quiet chilly, only when she was sure Teddy was settled and the blanket covered him as well did she head towards the door. She left her bedroom quietly as she didn't wake anyone up she made her way down the hall and into the lift.

A New Time (Re-Write) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now