Chapter Six, Baby Stark, a Valentine's baby

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Chapter Six, Baby Stark, a Valentine's baby

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Chapter Six, Baby Stark, a Valentine's baby

"What about Morgan Lillian Potter-Black-Stark?" Tony suggested as he and Mae lay cuddled up in bed enjoying a quiet moment just the two of them, one arm holding her close to him and the other resting on her baby bump. "Hmmm. I do like it but what about just Stark instead?" Riley-Mae asked looking up at Tony under her thick eye lashes. Tony's eyes lit up like a Christmas tree as he looked down at the woman he loved barely daring to hope. "Really?" He asked hope ringing his voice as his mind drifted to the ring he'd been looking at.
"Of course." Riley-Mae answered without hesitation. "Tony I love you and nothing is going to change that. You have been there for me, Teddy and little Morgan. And I couldn't have asked for anyone better." Riley-Mae assured as she curled into him.

It has been two months since Christmas and they have come along so well together since then. The two of them coming ever closer, their relationship blossoming and the little family growing even closer as Christmas melted away into January and then February and with it Valentine's Day and Riley-Mae's eight month mark. The day their little girl will be joining them creeping ever closer. "Happy Valentines Day love." Tony said as he kissed Mae's forehead. "Happy Valentine's Day Tony." Mae smiled as she leaned up and kissed him softly, sweetly on the lips. "I know you don't feel up to going out, no matter how much I tell you you're beautiful so I have prepared a romantic meal tonight just the two of us. Andromeda has agreed to have Teddy tonight." Tony said beaming as he held out a card and a wrapped box for Mae to take.

"Thank you love." Mae said as she teared up as she opened the box which popped open covering her and the bed in confetti as a cube with pictures of the two of them alone and the two of them with Teddy appeared and words saying you are my queen on the side. "Tony it's beautiful I love it thank you." Mae said happily as she hugged and kissed him before handing him his card and present which was a frame of the three of them in a Wizarding picture. The three laughing and waving happily up at them from the frame. "Thank you Mae, I love it. Seems we both had a similar idea." He replied happily as he placed the frame gently on his bedside table and kissed her passionately. "Sir, I don't mean to interrupt but young master Teddy is awake and calling for you both." Jarvis's voice rang through the room.

"Thanks J. Can you put the oven on and I'll get up and get breakfast started." Tony asked. That was another thing that surprised everyone Tony taking cooking classes so he could help cook so Mae didn't have to do it all the time.
"Of course Sir." Jarvis replied.
"Come out when you're ready Mae. I'll get Teddy settled with some milk and breakfast." Tony said as he kissed her and climbed from the bed going into Teddy's room to get him before he hurt himself by trying to climb out the cot. "Ooh." Mae gasped a hand going to her stomach. "Are you missing your daddy Morgan?" Mae asked as she slowly swung her legs out of bed gasping in pain as a sharper pain went through her stomach. "Are you alright Miss?" Jarvis voice asked.
"No, I think... ahh.... I think the baby is coming. But she can't be it's too early." Mae cried.

"According to my knowledge babies often come when they are ready and they alone, often times nothing is wrong and my sensors can not detect anything wrong with you or the baby." Jarvis assured. "I have notified Mr Stark and Mrs Tonks that you are in labour, they will be here momentarily." Jarvis informed her as Mae bent over her bedside table trying to breathe through the pain as the contractions increased as Tony burst back into the room looking frantic and Teddy balanced on his hip. "Mae, are you okay?" Tony asked as he placed Teddy gently in the middle of the bed making sure he won't roll off the bed while they're distracted. "Of course I'm not. She's coming. She's coming and she's too early." Mae snapped glaring at Tony over her shoulder as he rubbed soothing circles on her back. "Everything's okay Mae I'm here. Everything is going to be okay." Tony soothed.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap you've been amazing and I'm snapping at you." Mae cried distressed gripping Tony's hand as she sat on the bed next to Teddy barely holding back tears. "Shhh. It's okay Mae I know you don't mean it. It's just the pain and fear talking." Tony soothes sitting next to her sparing a glance at Teddy, who was being quiet but was quite content to play with his wolf plushie. A knock on the door followed by the voices of Andromeda and Pepper came through the door. "Tony? Mae?"
"Pepper, Andy thank god. Mae has gone into labour early. Pepper can you watch Teddy please? Andy are you able to help or do we need the hospital?" Tony asked as the two women entered the bedroom. "No. No hospitals." Mae's pain filled voice cut in before either could answer.

"It's okay Mae." Andy soothed as she rubbed the young women's back before leaning over picking up her grandson and passing him over to Pepper's waiting arms, knowing Mae was holding back the pain so as not to scare the young boy. "Yes I can help. Fetch me some towels and a bowl please Tony and Pepper please take Teddy out of here." Andy instructed as she got to work casting spells on the bed as the two did as they were asked. "It's okay now Mae lie back on the bed." Andy instructed just as Tony came back in with the requested items depositing them where instructed, then going straight to Mae's side and taking her hand. "I'm here baby. I'm here." Tony soothed kissing Mae's forehead and brushing her hair back.

After several hours of agonising pain and exhausting pushing Mae gave one last push nearly crushing Tony's hand and they were greeted to the sound of a baby's cry wrenching the air, the two parents letting out the breath they didn't know they were holding as soon as they heard the cry. "Would daddy like to cut the cord?" Andy asked Tony. He shared a look with Mae who smiled tiredly but happily encouraging him forward. Almost dazed Tony stood from the chair walking to the bottom of the bed where he saw the most beautiful little girl.

"She's beautiful Mae." Tony whispered reverently as he cut the cord under Andy's Hawkeye instructions before she quickly cleaned up the little girl, checked her over and wrapped her up in a blanket before handing her to Tony. "She's perfect Mae. She's a little on the small side but that's to be expected but she's in perfect health. Congratulations." Andy beamed with tears in her eyes as she looked at the small family as Tony sat beside Mae on the bed handing him their daughter. Mae looked at her daughter who opened her eyes to stare up at her mother and father with blue grey eyes under thick black lashes, her eyes the only thing giving away that her biological father was in fact Lucius Malfoy. The rest was all Mae.

"She looks just like her mother. Well done my love." Tony said wrapping an arm around Mae's shoulder and kissing her temple before leaning down and kissing his daughter on the head. "Hello little love. My little Morgan Lillian Stark." Tony beamed.

" Tony beamed

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