Chapter Seven, Unexpected Visitors

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Chapter Seven, Unexpected Visitors

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Chapter Seven, Unexpected Visitors

It has been a month since Morgan was born and she's coming along so well and her big brother Teddy who had just turned one doted on her, always giving her sweet wet kisses to her forehead. He was walking much better now and often followed his mother or father around the living room. He would often try to play with Morgan showing her his wolf plushie babbling away at her making her kick her legs happily when she was awake making the two parents smile happily at him.

The small family had been expecting Andromeda to come around today for Teddy's small birthday party and it was extremely unlike her to be late. She was very particular about time keeping much like most of the woman in the Black family, and Riley-Mae was becoming extremely concerned. "I'm sure she's fine Mae." Tony tried to reassure her. "She probably just wanted to pick up something." But, he too, was becoming concerned about the elder woman and he was extremely tempted to send one of the team over to her apartment to find out what was wrong. Just, as he was about to contact someone Jarvis announced her arrival with two others who he detected, were of blood relation to her.

Riley-Mae froze when she heard that announcement holding her two babies close to her as if to protect them. "What are they doing here?!" She asked slightly panicked. Tony became more concerned over her reaction and asked Jarvis to scan them subtly for any malcontent. "I do not detect any malcontent from any of them and nor do I detect them wanting to wish harm upon anyone in this building, Sir. They are simply concerned." Jarvis told them. Not five minutes later the lift opened and out stepped Andromeda along with her sister Narcissa and her nephew Draco. "Andy...what's going on?" Riley-Mae asked hesitantly both her babies in her arms as she stood behind the sofa ready to hide them if a fight broke out, her emerald eyes wide with fear.

"Mae, it's okay Cissy and Draco are not here to harm you, Teddy or Morgan I promise. I would not have brought them here, if I thought otherwise, you know that." Andromeda soothed the young woman she saw as a daughter. "I checked them when they arrived at my apartment and I made both of them take an Unbreakable Vow. You're safe. You and the babies are safe. Tony is safe and I'm safe. It's okay."
"Why have they come? And, how did they know she was here?" Tony asked tightly, he had been told all about the magical world and he knew what happened if you broke a Unbreakable Vow but it didn't mean he'd trust the family of the man who had caused her such pain.

"I left Lucius as soon as I knew what he and the others had done to you." Narcissa started hesitantly. "Draco and I were in Italy at the time. But as soon as I learned what had happened I divorced him and barred him from all Black properties and inheritance he was entitled to. I am so, so sorry Riley-Mae. I knew he was monster from how he would treat Draco, and punish him if he did not live up to his standards, and I could do nothing. Due to the contact my father made with his father. The magic forbade me from interfering, but I did not know he was this kind of monster and I know you won't believe this but I am truly sorry. I reported everything to Kingsley and he put me in touch with my sister. We weren't intentionally looking for you." Narcissa swore looking incredibly drained.

"I am sorry too Po- Riley-Mae for how I treated you at school. I'm sure you know what father was like when his standards were not lived up to, before and after you freed Dobby. I never fully meant what I said and did to you. If I didn't it would be reported back to him by Parkinson and some others. Looking back on it now I know how I acted was disgusting and I too wouldn't want to be friends with me. I hope we can have a fresh start?" Draco asked holding his hand out to her. Only taking a few steps further into the room, and leaving the rest up to Riley-Mae. Riley-Mae looked at both of them and they did seem to be rather genuine and she knew Andy wouldn't have brought them if she thought otherwise and if they were false the Vow would have killed them, but she was scared.

She has been abandoned so many times in her life and she didn't know whether she had it in her to put herself out there again only to be abandoned once more. She looked at the two feeling completely helpless and then looked to Tony and Andy who were both smiling at her. She knew they would support her no matter what. "I won't abandon you Mae." Draco called our surprising her, though he did always seem to know how she was feeling though it usually came followed by a scathing remark. "I promise I won't. Not like your friends. And we don't want nothing to do with him. He is not my father, not anymore I took the Black name when mother divorced him. I'm sorry I wasn't home to protect you like I tried to do the first time you turned up at the Manor. If we have to earn your trust than we will." Draco promised.

Riley-Mae swallowed tightly as she thought back on what had happened during the war. Draco had protected her from Bellatrix the best he could and Narcissa had protected her from Voldemort proclaiming she was dead. And Draco had only walked back over to Voldemort only to snatch her wand from him and toss it to her when she jumped out of Hagrid's arms. With that thought in mind she carefully handed Morgan to Tony and placed Teddy on the floor with his toys as she walked over to Draco and shook his hand starting a new round of friendship and hopefully more family but only time will tell. "Thank you." Draco whispered. But as she turned to Narcissa a Howler appeared in the air opening itself out as a very familiar drawling voice came out.

"I'm coming for you! And I'm coming for the child! You will regret taking my family from me! And you will regret ever being born once I'm through with you! You will be begging to join you Mudblood Mother and Muggle loving Father!"

"I'm coming for you! And I'm coming for the child! You will regret taking my family from me! And you will regret ever being born once I'm through with you! You will be begging to join you Mudblood Mother and Muggle loving Father!"

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