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I was currently walking into the host club with Kai, A.K.A chuckles from the plane. We walked in with about 50 girls trying to kill me with their eyes because of me getting along with Kai, jealousy is truly an ugly thing. "Hey guys this is Kai!" I introduced my newest friend to the boys. "And those are his fangirls.." I whispered as everyone looked around us and saw the Satan spawns for themselves. Honey looked a bit mad but I couldn't exactly tell why.

"Emmy go to hell" I couldn't pinpoint who said that in the group of girls but I have been preparing for this my entire life! I quickly noticed how Kai kept looking at Kyoya. KYOKAI!

I turned around and smiled, from the corner of my eye I could see the way Kyoya's eyes held a devilish sparkle and his smirk was definitely encouraging. Thank you, mommy!

"You see, there is a special place in hell reserved just for me! It's called a throne." I threw a wink at the group of girls and beamed a smile turned around. Kyoya ran up to me and indulged in a hug. "You would be the perfect child!" He screamed a bit making me giggle.

Why does Honey look so envious?

"Thank you, mommy!" I smirked and Kyoya decided to kill me! After letting me go of the breathtaking hug, we sat in a circle eating cake and drinking tea.

"Kai I forgot to introduce everyone" I giggled a bit.

"The twins Hikaru and Kaoru they are my big brothers, Haruhi she I mean he is a close friend of mine! Tamaki is Daddy of the group and Kyoya is our mommy!" I was happily explaining when Kyoya decided to be a shat head! Love him!

"We are NOT a married couple!" Kyoya started to write in his death note- I mean little black book!He looked up after writing down a few names I-I I mean notes and Kai threw a wink at Kyoya, immediately his cheeks went a rosy pink.

I am a proud shippy of KYOKAI! YES, you go mommy!

"Mother, HUSH! Mori and Honey are in your class, so you know them." I finished, looking for Honey I noticed that he was walking out the door slamming on the way out. "I'll be back!" I sighed.

I exited to see Honey sitting on the steps. "Mitsukuni? Are you okay?" He turned around and walked towards me. "Why are you with him?" He pinned me against the wall his face in the crook of my neck.

"Honey are you jealous?" He started to kiss my neck.
"And what if I am? Your Mine!" His lips crashed against mine.
"Jealousy is a disease, please get well soon." I pecked his lips and dragged him inside. As soon as we entered we looked in the direction of to tall ravens.

Kai had Kyoya pinned against the corner of the room, Kia's hand on Kyoya's waist. Kyoya's hands reached up the collar of Kia's white dress shirt and pulled. Their lips smashed together.
"Honey turn around and give the some privacy!" Honey giggled along.


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