Good Girl

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*All will be explained in this chapter*

Mimi lifted the arm rest that separated the two, and rested her head on his shoulder. "What did you want to talk about?" Mimis' voice was soft as she focused more on the way his thumb grazed back and forth on her thigh. "Us, I think it's been long enough, don't you?" The warm of her gold skin distracting him, just in case, he was rejected once more.

"I-I'm not trying to pressure you, but I miss you. More than words can express." His voice was soft, but held meaning. "I would swim across the ocean for you, a-and" he began to ramble.

"And?" Her voice was playful as she undid her seatbelt and stood up.

"I would give you, my en-entire li-life" Mitsukuni began to stutter as Mimi placed herself on his lap. His hands moved to her waist, lightly gripping  her sides. Mimi leaned in painfully slow, making mitsukuni lift one hand to the side of her face, and pull her down so there lips could finally meet.

The kiss was sweet and longed for. They pulled away and Emilia rested her forehead on his. She leaned in again but this time with force. Their lips moved in sync, Mitsukuni licked her bottom lip asking for entrance but she ignored his request. Mitsukuni moved the hand he was using to hold on to her waist, and began to rub her over her clothes making her gasp, taking this time slip in his tongue. Emilias' hand were playing with Mitsukunis' hair when she moved one down to push his hand away. She placed his hand on her hips and moved her hips down to cause friction with Mitsukunis'.

Mitsukuni bucked his hips so he could hear her sweet moans. He lightly  grabbed her hair and whispered into her ear "Say my name, loud." He bucked his hips again, with more of a grind this time.

Her cheeks were bright pink as the pilots voice sounded through the walls. "Ahem, uh we will be landing in ten minutes, please put on your seatbelts." Mitsukuni giggled at her sudden stop, he grabbed her by her waist and placed her in her seat, getting up to put her seatbelt on her again. His hands rested on both sides of her head. "Good girl" he lightly kissed her lips.


After landing, Honey drove Mimi to her house to get her school uniform, today was a late start day, and school was about to start. The day went on as normal, the normal were Honey went back to being happy and Emilia went back to raising her hand in class.

Emilia was impatiently waiting for the bell to ring, so she could give her brothers a piece of her mind. As the bell rang she slowly made her way to the Host Club. She entered the room and spotted her two brothers laughing. She looked at them up and down ignoring the rest of the Host club, she noticed that Hikaru was wearing all black and holding a black hat. "Couch, now." Her voice was stern and her brothers immediately followed orders.

"What exactly where you thinking, I cried so much" She said slightly raising her voice. "And you! I thought I was going to die!" She finished.

"We were trying to scare you so you would call Mitsukuni and you guys could make up. We are so tired of seeing you hurt and you're both too stubborn to go talk to each other by yourselves, but when it came time to scare you, you were already on the phone." Kauro said as his twin only felt bad for scaring you. You hugged them by their necks, "thank you, but if you pull something like that one more time I will kill you, both." You whispered as you grip slightly tightened. You let go of the two, letting them finally breath as they shook their heads in agreement non-stop. Mitsukuni grabbed your hand and dragged you to his car.

"We are going on a date."


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