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** MiMi **

I felt the coldness of the wall seep through the back of this yellow dress. I slid down the wall at the same speed my tears did. How could someone I hate so, so much, be right? Ever since I got here, all I've done is depend on the twins or Mitsukuni. Why?

I need something of my own. I don't help anyone in the host club, if anything. I bother everyone there.

I quickly stood up and dusted myself. I walked out of the girls bathroom to see Haruhi standing there. "Are you okay?" Was I? I was, at least I would be. I nodded my head before snatching up her hand and running down the hall with her. After reaching the billboard hall, I looked for one thing in particular, softball.
"Excuse me, are you Coach T?" I looked into the woodshop class. "Yes, yes! Come in." With just one step into the class, I felt my lungs be covered in wood dust. "Are you interested in joining?" I nodded my head. "Bring this, and this, oh, this one too, all signed! We officially start conditioning tomorrow. Right after school, till 5:30! Okay?" I took all the papers and quickly thanked him. I ran back to the host club, dragging Haruhi along.

I entered the room, all I heard where sighs of relief. "Mimi, I am so sor-" Renge was already apologizing? "Don't be, you where right."
"I was?" She sounded confused
"Yeah, but say something else to me in even the slightest disrespectful tone and i won't be so forgiving." I through a petty smile her way.

"Baby, I am so glad you are okay!" Mitsukuni. I felt him hug me from behind, I turned around to face him and grabbed both of his hands. "Mitsukuni, Renge was right. I need to be independent."
"What are you trying to say?" His voice slightly cracked.
"I think we should take a small break, not long. Just until I can do something with out worrying if you would agree or not."
"I just don't understand" he blinked his eyes a few times.
"I just need some time. And if you are willing to wait for me, we'll start dating again, yeah?" I tilted my head to the side and gave him a toothy grin.
"Come back to me?" He sounded almost desperate.
"Always." I gave him a quick peck, picked up my backpack and ran out the building, heading home.


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