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The Shade Room:
Rumor report!:
We had recently been seeing NBA player Kyrie Irving hanging out without his wife Leelee. But with a different women and his daughter .. Which caused some speculation on wether the two were having any problems. Leelee had recently denied the rumors in a interview with big boy.

Well, last night Leelee was caught partying it up at club Onyx with a young man. They had left her concert together and he actually rode on her tour bus with her to the club. They had partied all night together , though they didn't leave together we still wonder .... Are Leelee and Kyrie over ?

I sat in my hotel room rereading this dumb ass shade room post. It was honestly annoying how one little thing could cause people to make a big deal out of nothing. This was the one thing I hated about all the fame.

I exited out of Instagram and hopped up grabbing my belonging to head to this breakfast club interview before I leave to head to Cali.

I hopped on the elevator and once I reached the first floor all the paparazzi were outside snapping pictures of me and my bodyguard walking out the elevators .

I pulled up my hood and grabbed onto my bodyguards arm as he pushed through the crowd to get me on the bus.

Is it true you and Kyrie have split?

Do you have a new boyfriend?

Is that women with Kyrie and your daughter her new step mom?

I sighed as I finally walked on the bus and sat down on the couch. We pulled off heading to the radio studio. I had received a snapchat. I went to it and opened it and it was a video of Micheal showing me all the paparazzi outside his house .

I started recording a snap back to him.
" Sorry about that. Forgot you can't have friends in this industry the papps blow up anything " I end the video sending it to him.

We arrived at the radio station and I walked off upstairs and was greated by Angela Yee, Charlamagne and DJ Envy. We took pics before the show like always as Angela posted it on Instagram and then we got ready to go on air .

"Goodmorning it's DJ Envy, Angela Yee and Charlamagne the god! We got a special guest today ... Leelee, you prefer Leelee better than Hailey right ?" DJ Envy asked

" yea" I smiled laughing.

" just wanted to make sure. So let's go to it i heard you got an album coming out soon, ?"

" correct, I've missed singing & ive been working on it for quiet some time now " I smiled

" why it take you soo long to bless us with more music ?" Charlamagne asked

" well I got married and had a baby and with putting out music comes with touring and I didn't wanna push off my daughter to some nanny at a young age. I wanted to be there at her most vulnerable days you know ?" They nodded

" yea I feel you"

" so while your here who's watching her ?" Angela her asked

" I did finally hire a nanny and I also have my husband watching her when the nanny isn't there "

" oh so that women we been seeing in the media is in fact her nanny?" Angela asked

I nodded, " yes "

" well you know we have to ask, is there any truth in ' drama in paradise' ?"

I laughed, " ofcourse not, Kyrie and I are happy and perfectly fine. He supported the idea of me getting back in the studio and I've been at the games I can make before this tour. We good " I cheesed

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