Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

I'd been waiting in the rain for ages and seriously regretted not taking my neighbor, Trevor's offer on a ride to school. I was not dressed for rain wearing my favorite pair of jean cut offs, a crop top, and gladiator sandals. Originally the forecast called for sunny weather with a slight breeze, but I was beginning to seriously doubt the weather service.

Finally I heard the familiar screeching of the brakes of the school bus. As it slowed to a stop I looked back up at the sky making one last hope for sunny weather. I then climbed the steps and took my normal seat.


As I walked through the front doors of school I looked towards my locker and saw my best friend, Taylor, leaning against my locker snacking on what looked like a breakfast sandwich. She's always eating.

"I'm disappointed in you," She stated before taking the last bite of her breakfast.

"Good morning to you too," I stated sarcastically.

"Don't try to change subjects," Taylor said as she placed a hand on her hip.

"You know how I feel about riding with Trevor," I said.

"I know, but I really want you to get back out there. I need a date to homecoming and well with your connections and all," Taylor joked as she elbowed me in the side to add humor.

Before I could add anything to Tay's comment the bell rang signaling the beginning of first period.

We strolled into home-room and took our normal seats near Dean and Seth. Taylor was filling them in on some television show that all three of them watched, and while Taylor was explaining the drastic scene Dean and Seth were imitating her. I laughed silently until the Mr. V walked in minutes later.

An hour and a half and half a page of doodles later English was finally over. Taylor and I had math together while Seth and Dean headed to social studies. We made plans to meet up at lunch and headed our separate ways.

"Finally!" Taylor whisper shouted in my ear when the bell 'finally' rang for the end of math.

"MAN just look at him," Taylor urged as quietly she could manage in my ear as we moved swiftly to gym. It was on the far side of campus. As we walked down the stairs I felt myself getting a little light headed, but I shook the feeling off assuming it was due to the back that I skipped breakfast. When we finally made it to the locker room we discovered that we were early for once.

After changing Taylor, Ana, and I walked into the gym so Coach D. could take role. Dean had P. E. with Taylor and I. I found myself looking at him. Admiring his perfectly sculpted legs. He was on the cross country team. He also had sculpted arms due to his summer weightlifting session. He looked immaculate in his P. E. uniform. I really wished I could feel the warm embrace of his arms around me.

"CARL!?" Taylor practically screamed in my ear.

"Yeah," I muttered still engrossed in my thoughts of Dean.

"Come on," Taylor sighed as she helped me to my feet to run our laps for the start of class.

As we began running our laps I felt a little dizzy but brushed it off. It's just because I'm not used to running on an empty stomach I convinced myself.


"Thank God for lunch!" Taylor praised as we headed to our normal shady area by the edge of campus.

"'No, you idiot! You would have to help her...oh hey gals," Seth said as he attempted to hide whatever he and the other boys were talking about.

Ana went over and embraced her boyfriend Mason while Tay and I pulled out our lunches and swapped drinks. She brought Gatorade and I gave her my Powerade.

Lunch was filled with awkward glances across the circle at Dean as I noticed that weird jaw locking habit he had when he was serious about getting something done. He was so cute, but I knew that I wasn't going to go for it because he liked Elisa and she goes to West High and I'm not going to be that girl again this year.

I was snapped back into reality when the bell rang signaling the end of lunch. I looked down and noted that I had not touched my lunch. Crap! I retied my hair and hoped up quickly hoping to escape the wrath of T she hates when I skip out on meals.

Barely making, it I dashed to my next class. The rest of the day went by in a blur until the final bell. I almost sprinted to the bus in hopes of missing Trevor. He would wait for me by the pole at the C7 stair well, and if I didn't move quick enough I'd have no choice but to ride home with him.

I made it home, but just before I could unlock the door to let myself in I got a phone call from a blocked number. I answered, maybe it was just T prank calling.


"Carly, good to see you finally answered," He snarled into receiver. I dropped the phone.

I thought we were past this....


Okay, Hi! (: thank you SOO much for reading my short story. Tell me what you think. Weak plot? More description? Lots of grammar errors? Feed back please! You may have noted I did not describe the characters very much aside from Dean. I want you to imagine them for yourself. If you want Carly to be thicker in the hips go for it. Black white Hispanic whatever is fine with me. I may slip in from time to time something along the lines of he tucked her strawberry colored hair behind her ears but besides that I really want you to feel like you are Carly. If that makes sense. Thanks again!

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