Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Dean's POV

After leaving Carly's house I walk to the park. I'm on the bench sitting and missing her. I pick at the loose thread on my shirt as my gaze shifts to the people across the street. They look so happy. So happy to be shopping and drinking coffee. I crave that so badly. Things are better than they were last year. Carly was my rock. She doesn't know that but I really need her. It makes me so sad to know that she's not okay.

I tilt my head back and rub my temples to rid myself of the sudden head ache I've developed. I need her to be okay. I lay my head on the bench and close my eyes.

Just as I feel myself drifting to sleep I get a phone call. *Taylor* the name flashes on the screen. I've been down this road before and things ended awfully.


Carly's POV

It's been three weeks since Dean came over and thing are getting better.

One entire meal.

I've been eating an entire meal. I see this as progress. Trevor makes me happy. He has been texting me and driving me to school. He even said he is satisfied with what this diet has done to me. I think I am really reaching that part in this year where things are just perfect. Soon it will be Thanksgiving break and my father and I will be celebrating out first year without my mother.

I wish I could say I missed her. But I don't. The relationship we had was always strange and communication between the two of us always felt overly polite and distant. We both loved my father more than each other. He was the glue that held us together and that can't last forever.

It's a shame I was the reason she decided to leave.


I wake to the sound if my alarm. I look around and realize that it was just a terrible nightmare.

I was late to school, and Dean came over to check up on me. He wanted to see how I was doing, but he found me with Trevor. I shiver a bit at the realization that Dean was in my thoughts. I don't want him in my head like that.

I check my phone and see Trevor texted me. As I swing myself out of bed I begin reading the message.

*im taking you to breakfast.*

I frown a little at the message. Losing this weight was all for him, I hope he doesn't want to fatten me up. Before I can overthink the message anymore I head downstairs to say goodbye to my father. As I approach the kitchen table I see a note on the table.


Early meeting at work today, I hope you won't miss me too much, I should be home before seven. Lucy will be by when you get home from school; leave your clothes out to be washed.

-Your Father

Before I can get back downstairs and leave my clothes in our laundry room I hear the familiar roar of Trevor's truck outside my house. I check the mirror one last time before running outside.

"Did you get my text?"

"Yeah, and I'm not really that hungry," I quickly reply before buckling my seat belt.

Trevor violently grabs my arm and pulls me in for a sloppy kiss. "Well I'm hungry" he says as he begins to pull out of my drive way.


We skip breakfast and he takes me to school instead. We spend a bit of time in his truck messing around before the bell rings signaling the start of school. I hop out of his truck and head inside. I hear faint whispers around me about my return to school. I wonder why they're staring. I brush it off and head to my locker. When I get there I notice the band of misfits around Dean's locker. Although I have been avoiding him Taylor I do miss them a little.

As I head in the same direction as my used to be clique I notice and increasing amount of sadness in Dean's eyes. It's the same sadness he had once he found out about last year's lake house incident, but it looks more intense.I feel like an ass for ignoring Dean for this long, but this is for Trevor.

And Trevor's good for me, right?


I spend lunch alone by the C7 stairwell waiting for Trevor. He said he might be able to head by and pick me up. I hope we can ditch together. I really hate that he lives in another school district. I want him to go to school with me. Atleast then I wouldn't constantly be alone. I feel so lonely all the time. I even sometimes feel lonely when I'm with Trevor. He gives me hope and makes me a better person. Well except for sometimes the way he treats me, but it is all with good intensions.

As the last bell for school rings I head to the parking lot where Trevor would normally be and wait. As I pull out my headphones I hear the familiar polite laugh that was once used on me so many times. The laugh belongs to her. Taylor. As I crane my neck a bit further I see she is leaning against Dean's car. They're talking. I don't know why but my heart breaks a little when I see the two of them thoroughly enjoying each other's company.

I jolt back to reality when I hear the rumble of Trevor's vehicle pull up beside the curb. I hop in and he heads to my house. I think that things between us are getting better. He is being so kind. Oh so kind to me and he really is a good guy. I don't see why everyone else dislikes him. He drops me at home and we gaze into each other's eyes for just a while before I get out of his car. As I hear his car rumble fade into the rest of the background noise I turn to walk up the steps to my house.


After taking a shower I lay awake looking at the stars from my window. Thinking. Wishing. Hoping. For what I'm not sure. As I feel myself drifting off to sleep I hear the faint buzzing of my cellphone on my bedside table.

Trevor: sleep well, babe. let's ditch tomorrow

A/N: LONG time no update. I've been working on this chapter for a while. I want the way Carly feels to be real and not feel cliché. Thank you again SO MUCH for reading! And as always, feedback is GREATLY appreciated!(:

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