Once upon a time, there were two genie princess mermaids. The eldest sister was named Vanessa, and she was the second most powerful genie in all of the kingdom. The youngest sister was called Juliette, who's magic was pretty much normal.
It was a peaceful kingdom, until the evil sorceress Zeeda, the third most powerful genie, came to wreak havoc and become the most powerful genie in all of existence. Zeeda takes Vanessa's magic by capturing her in a magic proof bubble, which nullified all of Vanessa's magic. Then Zeeda split Vanessa's tail in half and turned the two halves into human legs and then popped the bubble, leaving her unable to swim or breathe. Zeeda made a deal, stating that should Vanessa give her all of her magic she would reverse the spell and give her her tail back. Vanessa agreed, and they held hands for 20 seconds as the magic was transferred. Then Zeeda gave Vanessa her tail back, and swam off, leaving Vanessa powerless. Vanessa goes to talk to Juliette about getting her powers back, and they go to see the most powerful genie of all; Emelia. With her help, they realize that the only two ways for Vanessa to get her powers back would be for Vanessa to touch Zeeda for a long enough time to transfer back her magic, or to kill Zeeda. So, Vanessa goes to confront Zeeda. They chase each other around for a while before Zeeda captured the end of Vanessa's fin and places a death spell on her. Vanessa dies, and Zeeda leaves the body floating. Hours later, Juliette finds Vanessa's body. Heartbroken, she uses all of her magic to save her dead sister, killing herself in the process. When Vanessa Awakens, alive, she finds Juliette's body beside her. Mourning, she grabs her sisters body and swims her over to Emelia to see if the wizard can do anything. So then Emelia does unto Juliette as Juliette did to Vanessa. It was when Juliette was being saved that Emelia realized that she was sa icing not one body, but two. Drained of her power, unexpectedly, Emelia dies, leaving her discovery unknown to the the two, or three, depending on how you look at it, genie mermaids. Enraged at her defeat, Vanessa goes once again to confront Zeeda. After their battle, Zeeda places a knock out spell on Vanessa and carries her unconscious form to a chasm. It is then that Vanessa awakens and puts her arm around Zeeda, managing to steal half of her powe back before Zeeda notices. Vanessa then attempts to cast a death spell on Zeeda, but with Zeeda still in possession of half of Vanessa's magic, it only managed to make her unconscious. Only for a second, however, as when Vanessa went to roll Zeeda's body off the sea cliff, Zeeda pulled a dagger out of her pocket and stabs Vanessa in the heart, killing her in a way no one could heal. Weakened, Zeeda falls back to her earlier position on the edge of the cliff, but she slips and falls. Juliette later finds her sisters body by the chasm. The kingdom holds a royal funeral for Vanessa. The king and queen, overrun and aged with grief over their daughter, slowly fade (as that's what happens to mermaid genies when they grow too old) , leaving their kingdom to Juliette and her husband Brandon. The new queen and king, knowning the effects magic can have, banned the further use of magic. Their daughter is born healthy and is celebrated at the new princess.
Her name is princess Roya.

As a child Roya's mother, Juliette, the queen, is captured by the evil mermaid Zeeda (though no one knew this as they though she dies when she fell off the chasm). 7 years later when Royas is fifteen she is captured a magic bubble while walking on the outskirts of the kingdom. Jonah(Zeeda's son) has captured her. He cuts her tail in half (as Zeeda did I her aunt) and takes her to the dungeon where she finds her mother. Besides chaining her down, Jonah fixes her tail with magic and Royas just been freaking out because she had no clue about magic. (he's helping her and they wonder why). Since she hasn't used magic in so long, Juliette does when she uses it to free Roya from her chain . Roya escapes and uses her newfound magic skills to kidnap Jonah. Jonah and Roya fall in love, but when confronted but Zeeda, Jonah says it was all a lie. Roya is crushed, and lacks the strength to use her magic as she is captured again by Zeeda. Jonah helps her escape again and they are once agin stopped by Zeeda but when she tries to kill Roya Jonah swims in front of her to take the hit and he dies. Royas enraged and she goes up to Zeeda and drains her if her power before going to Jonah and saves him. Happily ever after!

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