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*Harry's POV*

I'm nervous as fuck. I don't date. I'm not into the whole commitment idea or having to get gifts and worry about all that lame crap. I don't even know why I asked that redhead on a date. She just seemed like a catch. Plus I couldn't help but notice one of my friends stared at her from across the cafeteria. Zayn is perfect. I would never admit I'm jealous of him, but every girl wants him. Plus I know Mads even is attracted to him. Which makes my skin crawl. I only got the redhead’s number because it's competition. I want Zayn to realize I can't get things better than he can.

I change into the outfit Mads suggest. I don't get what she means by my hair. I can never get these damn curls to work right. I threaten so many times to cut my hair but Mads always says no. I don't get the appeal of them anyways. 

I know it's only been four minutes but I'm quick and my clammy hands are already on my steering wheel. I could walk, she's right there. But I might as well just leave from her house. The tall brunette always has a way of making me feel relaxed, so maybe she can help. 

I find her key on my keychain. I've had it for a few years, it just feels normal. I walk in and hear the quiet shower from the bathroom. I knock and hear the water stop.

"Sorry, you don't need to rush." I say through the small crack.

"It's fine. I was getting out anyways." I shrug and lean against the wall across from the bathroom. I look through Facebook, why do I even have this crap still.

I hear the door open and I peek up to see her. Fuck.

The white towel rests tightly under her arms. The water droplets on her chest seem to shine and she fixes her hair around her neck. She looks up and jumps, not expecting me to be standing there.

"Harry!" She gasps and dashes quickly towards me to put her hands on my eyes.

I want to look. Wait. No I don't. I manage to laugh.

"Sorry." I lick my lip as her hands press to my head. "You can let go, I won't look."

"I was going to change before I came out to see you."

I don't want her to change. I had never seen her look like that. She looked... Sexy? She’s a sexy girl. But something about the way she looked now made my mind wander.

"Just... I have only a few minutes, you can wait to change." I lie. I have an hour.

She groans and laughs, "Fine." She lets go of my face and walks in front of me towards the living room. 

"Let me see you." 

I can't help but check her out. I have seen her so many times in a bikini, considering we spend a lot of time on her dad's boat. It's nothing I've never seen before. But there was something so innocent and sexy about her being in that towel and her damp skin. 

"What?" I swallow and furrow my eye brows.

"Your outfit... Twirl, I need to make sure it's good for your date." Shit, right. I do as she says and spin in front of her.

She puts her finger on her chin and tilts her head to watch my outfit.

"You didn't do your hair right." She laughs and motions her head towards the couch.

"I never do. I figured it was good enough."

"It is good enough. It will just look better."

I roll my eyes and sit down on the couch. I came here to relax and get her advice. Not watch her in her towel. She stands in front of me and leans her weight into her one knee. She does that whenever she’s deep in thought, it’s just my hair. She leans in close to me and I feel my breath hitch. Her soft hands run through my hair and I can't help but clothes my eyes at the loving touch as she styles my hair. 

I always found her gorgeous. She's stunning, really. Plus she's hot. I don't like the idea of any guy actually looking at her. No one deserves her attention or affection, like this. 

"Alex is really going to like your outfit." I blink a few times. 

Stop bringing her up.

"You think so?" I smile up at him.

"Well yeah, it was my outfit of choice."

"Fine, yeah you're right." I bit down on my lip and hear her phone go off. Her hands slide out of my hair and he tall but tiny body reaches down to grab her phone. Just come back. 

"It's your date again." I hear the annoyance in her soft voice. I can't help but laugh.

She replies back and I raised an eyebrow when she walks back in front of me.

All I can think about is touching her shoulders. They look so fragile and warm with her hair dripping droplets on them. I can’t help but notice one slide down her shoulder and down her chest. Stop.

"Don't ask." She says before I can talk. I wasn't going to. All I can think about is how she looks right now. 

"Damn." I say mocking her once again. 

"You look good." She says with a soft smile. That's her Harry smile. My favorite.

"Yeah?" I stand up. She's still too close to me and I can smell the sweet shampoo from here. 

She nods with a giggle and I find myself staring at her.

"What? Did I leave some shampoo in my hair?" She furrows her eyebrows and brings her hands up to her hair to pat it.

"No no, you just... You just look good too." I admit reaching for her wrist to bring her hand off her head.

"I'm in a towel?" She looks confused and I can't help but shrug.

"Exactly." I quietly say stepping a little closer to her.

Her eyes dilate when she meets my eyes and I felt something like something was going to happen. But her phone went off again. Fuck, seriously?

She sucks in her bottom lip and backs away to grab her phone. It's Alex again. I can tell by the way she's looking at her phone. 

I need to leave. I can't stand looking at her wet body like that in that towel. All I want to do is take it off her. Stop Styles, you're stupid talking again. I sigh and look at my phone for the time.

"I better get going. I don't want to get lost." I quickly say grabbing my things.

"She lives like five minutes away?" I want to think she wants me to stay. But I know she's teasing me, it's a quality of hers.

"Y-yeah, I know. But I. I'll see you later." I nod and grab my phone.

"Good luck." I hear her say from behind me as I walk out the door.

I always hug her goodbye, but I can't imagine bring her body being any closer to mine. I don't want her touch her naked skin and have it lingering on my fingers. The feeling will haunt me on my date. My date. Right, get in the zone. You got this. But weirdly I want to be back in there. 

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