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*Madelyn's POV*

The ride back home was quiet. Harry's music filled through his car and I had flashbacks from when he took me back home from Liam's. This is the thing about Harry and I. Even through all the shit that happens when one of us makes a mistake, we always end up back here. Together. I know Harry would never let anything get between our friendship and I love that about him.

"Are you okay?" He asked breaking the silence between us. Not an awkward silence, but a comfortable silence.

"Yeah are you?"

"I wish I could have punched that asshole.'' 

I laughed and he smiled back at me, "I actually wouldn't mind seeing that to be honest."

"Then why did you stop me!" He scoffed and smiled, leaning his elbow next to the window, rustling his hair.

"Because! As hot as it would be to see you punch someone, I wouldn't want to be taking you to the hospital."

"You think he would win? Geez, Mads."

"No! Of course not. I'm sure he would need some help too." I laughed and poked his arm on the arm rest.

"Okay okay." He smiled and pulled into my driveway. My car was still the only one there.

"I'm sorry for what happened." He smiled sadly and looked at me.

"It's okay, thank you for defending me and taking me home." I sighed letting my eyes wander down to his lips. The kiss we shared at the party was everything that I needed. He held me so protectively and his kiss was heated. But of course, it was interrupted.

"Well... Get some sleep." He interrupted my thoughts and I looked back at his eyes. 

"Okay. Goodnight, Harry." I grabbed my wristlet and smiled, getting out of the car.

"Night Mads."


I couldn't sleep. It was going on 3 in the morning and all I could think about was that kiss and him. It was stupid, but I felt so giddy and happy that I just couldn't sleep. I checked my phone and there was nothing so I sighed clicking the button to put it back to sleep.

Everything about my life lately had be suffocating and claustrophic. I leaned up in my bed grabbing my laptop and opening my school e-mail. A list of recommended colleges from my counselor. I decided to do more research about them.

I wanted to major in sociology I loved learning about human interactions and the reason we do everything. So I requested a list of the best universities for the sociology program.

Stanford University, University of Chicago, Columbia University, New York University, Cornell, and Ohio State. 

I wanted to cry looking at the list and the locations for all of them. I knew how upset my parents would be if I didn't apply to any of them just because I was too scared to leave. Everyone has their own comfort zone but to be honest, I was so absorbed in the idea that I had do everything to impress my parents and everyone around me. I wanted to be that girl who got accepted into college and did something better with her life than stay in LA and just get high at parties all day long. But all I could think about was Harry.

It infuriates me because I've liked him for so long. I dealt with his problems and did everything to try and make him see me as something more than just his good friend. Months before graduation he realizes this and starts putting the effort in himself and I'm planning on leaving.

Maybe leaving would prove a point to him, prove that he really does need me. But here I am not making a decision for myself but for other people. 

So I spent the rest of the night applying to colleges.


It had been four weeks since the night of the party. Things were going okay, I spent a lot of time studying for mid-terms and helping Harry study and tutor him. But I just felt closed off from him. I couldn't just kiss him and I still did not know where we stood. I felt used? I don't get why but I just overthink everything. But then again here we were just wasting time to figure out what we really wanted. 

But I'm giving up.

It was a long day of school, my classes have decided to all have their midterms the same day and I'm overwhelmed with making sure that I keep my grades up to par so that my GPA stays the same. Harry makes fun of me for being so easily frustrated, he teases me while I study but then again he's only a bigger distraction.

I came home from school, both my parents’ car in the driveway. It was a weird sight to say the least. I walked in putting my bag on the couch and taking my jacket off.

"Hello?" I called looking around.

"Madelyn!" My mom squealed from the kitchen, "Look!" She jumped towards me with a letter from Columbia University.

"What is this?"

"Open it. I couldn't wait, I'm sorry for going through your mail but." She brought her hand up to her cheeks in anticipation.

I reopened the letter letting my eyes trail down to the first few lines, "Congratulations Madelyn, we are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted into the Columbia University Sociology Program."

"Wait..." I reread the words looking up at my mom.

"Congratulations sweetie!" She smiled bringing me into a hug and I couldn't help but smile.

"I can't believe they accepted me. They are the hardest to get accepted into."

She continued to clap her hands, "My baby is going to college!"

It hit me then, I'm going to college.

(A/N: WOW I'm so sorry guys for taking so long to update. Unlike Mads I'm already in college and this semester has been a real pain in the ass. So I've been stressed and concentrating on that. Plus with all the hendall hate, I sort of lost inspiration. I’ve loved hendall for up to a year and a half now and it just makes me bummed to see so many people give them crap. But oh well, I’m just happy that even for a little time they spent time together. I know this update is short but the previous chapters have been tremendously long and I felt like something little would be okay. Although after taking so long to update I feel bad for giving you guys something short. I hope you guys are still interested in this fic and that you’re excited for the update. I promise to try and put more effort into this and not leave you guys hanging for so long again. PLEASE VOTE. EVERY VOTES ENCOURAGES ME TO CONTINUE TO WRITE. EVEN COMMENTS MAKE ME HAPPY. But literally voting takes too seconds and it would make me so happy. I love you guys a lot!!!)

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