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(A/N: I am so sorry it has taken me so long to update. I am taking six college classes this semester and have been so overwhelmed with life itself that it is hard for me to find inspiration for this fic. I have a list of the chapters that will be coming up and sadly there will be only 30 chapters in this fic. I do not want to drag it out and I feel it will flow better if it I finish it then. I may think of other things and add it but as of right now, there will be only ten chapters after this chapter. I hope you enjoy and I love you all so much. Thank you for still reading this, voting, and commenting. Your comments and votes keep me wanting to update and I would have never been this far in the fic without you guys!) 

*Harry's POV*

Last night was all too real. It's sinking in how much I love this girl. It's sinking in that she's leaving me. It's sinking in that I could lose her.

I fought with myself for the past few years too afraid of losing her. Too afraid that I would fuck up and she would hate me. I knew I was wrong and I know we would have been great but I ended up fucking up anyways. It took me realizing that she was moving away for me to realize how much I actually need her. I can't imagine my life without her. If it wasn't for Mads, I probably would just be like one of those asshole fucking douche bags who fucks with every girl in the school and doesn't care about anyone. The truth is, I do care. If Mads is the only person I genuinely care for, she's doing something right. 

I could move to New York. I have the money to actually move to New York and there's plenty of jobs that I could get. Even it’s riding people around on a bike through the busy streets. But I just feel like she could do so much better without me. I feel like I would suck at the whole being a supportive boyfriend and watch her go so far while I just sit at an apartment in the city waiting for her to come home. Believe me, I would do anything to have her come home to me every night but I just don't want to mess something up and ruin her future. She can do so much better without me.

I also can't have her stay here with me. I can't watch her pretend to be happy to be with me when I know she wants to go off to college. I know she wants to make her parents proud and do something better than staying here just to make her boyfriend happy. She deserves more than just me. She deserves happiness. 

I get that she tells me she's happy, but that's now. There's so much more in the world than me. There's so many more guys in the city who can support her and be something better than just a lanky jobless guy with tattoos. She deserves more than that. 

I know I fucked up bringing the subject back up. I realized that when I woke up in the morning and she was already gone. I'm respecting her boundaries and I'm smart enough not to pressure her into anything but fuck, it legitimately hurt noticing she wasn't in my bed when I woke up. I shouldn't be surprised when I hear her breaking up with me because she feels like I'm holding her back. Just because I'm a selfish asshole.

*Madelyn's POV*

When I woke up I checked my phone, five missed texts from my dad asking where I was. I remembered he was coming home from the weekend and here I was half naked in Harry's arms with his soft breathing nuzzled into my neck. I felt like shit leaving but I also didn't need my dad calling my mom or even the police for me being missing. So I quietly crawled out of his arms putting my shirt back on and quickly texting back my dad that I would be home in a second, which was true.

I ran into the house fixing my shirt and hair, "Dad?"

I heard him come out of my room and he curiously watched me as he walked towards me.

"Yeah, hi." He laughed, "Where we're you?"

"I... I was a-"


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