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I wake up laying in his arms this morning. I love it. I love the intimacy of the whole thing and the way he trails his finger tips on my arms. He doesn't do anything to take advantage of me or put me in an uncomfortable position. I know he hates cuddling and being all touchy and soft but I don't know, I pretend he does like it. I pecked his side and his skin was warm, he didn't notice but that's okay. If I were to have my first time with anyone, it would be him. He's the only one I want to have my first time with. I mean... That's awkward no; I can't pressure him into that. But if I had to describe my perfect first time, it would be him. I know he would be careful and take good care of me. I wasn't going to sleep with Zayn; I can't imagine how rough and forceful he would be with me. The way he kissed me showed enough and the fact he was only doing it to make Harry jealous. Well I know he would do anything to prove a point to him. Proving a point would not be him being gentle with me. So I assume, I don't know I need to stop thinking about it.

I looked up at him and his head tilts down at the lost contact of my face near his. He groans a little as I stretch and yawn and I can't help but notice he pulls me back in.

"Mads..." He whispers bring his other arm around me.

I suck in sharp breath as his arms now hold me close to him. I know he's asleep, but the feeling is so comforting and gentle. I reach up to trail my fingers through his hair and his head turns into my fingers. I pull my hand out and I giggle at his face when I stop.

"Mads..." He repeats. His voice is so perfect, especially in the morning. An overlaying huskiness and raspy touch to my nickname make my heart flutter.

"Harry..." I repeat back to him and giggle again.

"Good morning." He says with a cheeky smile that makes me smile back. I grip my arm around his waist a little tighter as he squeezes me a little closer to him. I'm almost on top of him but he keeps pulling me towards him.

"Good morning." I say into his chest with a smile. He grabs for my hand and pulls it back to his chest. I figured he wanted me to trace his tattoos again. He doesn't let go until I start.

I sigh and half smile appears on his face when I do so. The thing is... This isn't awkward. It feels perfect and comfortable and I feel the happiest when I'm in his arms. I know he doesn't do this, or I think he doesn't, with other girls. He rolls his eyes at the cliché things couples do.

"Why can't people just do things and get shit done. None of that cuddling bull crap." The boy curses in almost every sentence and his distaste for having a real relationship and enjoying the company of a girlfriend makes me roll my eyes in annoyance. I on the other hand, never curse. I don't find the appeal of having to say bad words. He makes them sexy though, the way he says those words. The way he cursed at Zayn last night about me. It's all too attractive and the idea of me cursing... He probably would just laugh at me saying the F word.

But he's here, holding me. I don't want to say cuddling, because I know the disgust on his face if he were to consider it that. Letting me trace his tattoos, almost begging me to trace them, then I know I'm doing something right.

He sighs, "I need to call my mom... I don't want her worrying."

I nod and move my hand off his chest. He looks down, almost pouting, at the loss of contact from my fingers.

He gets out of bed to reach for his phone in his jeans. He's only in his boxers. My breath stops and I look at him from the pillow. He leans down and his muscles move so easily with him. I want to squeal at the sight of his muscles moving when he leans back up to grab his phone. The boxers are tight on his body. I swear I notice a bulge, but my innocent eyes ignore the idea.

"Hi mum." He says in the phone.

"No mum, it's okay." "Mum stop." "I'm with Mads..." "No." "Yes it's fine." "No they're not." "Mum, I'll be home soon." "Yeah yeah." "I love you."

He puts his phone back in his jeans pocket and turns and looks at me. His tattoos are so perfect.

"Are you checking me out?"

I need to stop staring at people and not realizing it.

"N-no." I laugh shyly.

"I mean, this is only fair."

"What?" I furrow my eyebrows.

He puts his hands on his hips and laughs, "After you came out in your damn towel."

"Hey... If I had known you were going to be standing there."

"I'm not complaining."

"Of course not but..."

"You were sexy."

"What?" He's never called my sexy.

"It was sexy as hell, Mads."

"Don't say that." I laugh and bring the pillow over my face. I can feel the pressure of his body leaning back into the bed and he reaches it off my face.

"Don't do that." He says with a cautious smile.

"Don't call me sexy."

"Why not it's true."

"It's awkward to hear that. No one has called me sexy." I admit.


"What?" I repeat innocently with a laugh.

"None of those boyfriends ever called you sexy?"

"Why should they?" I laugh confused.

"Because it's true. They were too fucking lame to ever say that."

"Stop, what do you have against them." I shake my head and laugh.

"Everything. You suck at picking guys."

"Do not." I pout and look at him.

"Kinda. Mark was a total tool. His ties were fucking wrapped around his neck too tight. That other guy, the guy with the brown hair."


"Yeah him, he was an asshole. I hated the way he held your hand."

"How can you hate the way you hold someone's hand?" I laugh and furrow my eyebrows.

"He held your hand like this." He grabs my hand, all fingers between my thumb and pointer. "Who fucking does that? Is he pulling you somewhere."

"He was comfortable like that." I shrug, I never noticed.

"He should have held your hand like this." He talks slowly and interlocks each finger between mine. I look at him as he looks at our hands. "I always wanted to grab his damn hands and put them like this."

I laugh at his defensiveness and shake my head; the feeling makes me happy that he cared that much. I can't help the way his thumb circles hand, almost as if he's taking in the moment.

"Plus why the hell did you date Liam? The boy doesn't know what the hell he's doing."

"Stop, Liam is nice." I say to him with a shrug.

"Yeah but Liam is so... I don't know. Too Nice?"

"What's wrong with that? He was sweet to me."

"He's one of my best friends. I respected the way he treated you. But the guy would never call you sexy or fuck you the way you should be."

"Harry!" I squeal punching his arm.

"It's true. He wouldn't know where to touch you or how to kiss you. He's got... Confidence issues." He shrugs and laughs, holding my hand still.

"Okay well still... He would treat me right. Better than Zayn."

"Don't bring him up."

I huff and nod.

"Don't get me wrong Liam is awesome. He's one of more... Genuine friends. But I just. I can't picture you two fucking."

"Can you stop saying it like that, it sounds so dirty."

"Well what else is it to be called?"

"Making love... Sex, Harry. That's what it's about. Liam would put that all in for me."

"That's so cliché." He rolls his eyes, "Where would the passion be? That burning feeling of just needing to have someone? All that intimacy and making love bullshit is just for the movies."

"So you don't believe in making love." I ask him quietly.

"Under the certain circumstances, Mads. I'm just being honest that I think you deserve that passion, the experimenting, that love. Not just kiss here done."

"Well... Yeah." I shrug and pull our hands close to my stomach.

"I don't mean to sound awkward. But Liam and you... You're just too nice for each other. Not that James is any better. James would just fuck you and not hold you."

"Would you?"

I didn't realize the words slipped out of my mouth. The way he talked about the passion, love thing. That's what appeals to me.

He looks down at me. Great, I messed it up.

"I would sure fucking know how to do it, yeah." He said with a shrug before rubbing his bottom lip.

"Why?" I need to stop talking.

"Because Mads, you deserve that. If I was to have sex with you, I'd make it count. You're worth that stupid 'cuddling' shit."

I'm taken back by his words and it makes my heart do flips in my chest.

"You would?"

"Yeah... The idea of a guy having your virginity and then just leaving makes my skin itch. You deserve an amazing experience and that stupid cuddling thing."

"So you would?"

"Yes, Mads. I would. If I were to... Take your virginity. I'd make it worth it. Like I said you deserve that."

(If you are a regular reader of this can I just say I love you! I sort of lost inspirtation for writing this but after I saw the pictures of Harry Styles and Kendall Jenner on the date I about lost it. As much as I love Harry Styles I really love Kendall Jenner and have been a proud shipper of Hendall for over a year. Even if they only went to dinner, I'm so happy they even were together and talked. It makes my heart feel so fuzzy I just, I can't. Anyways I hope you like this update. Please vote, okay. I know I don't have thousands of readers but if you vote it sort of shows me how many people are actually reading this and if no one is then there really is no point in continuing this fic. But I love you and hope you had a great weekend and enjoyed 1d Day!!!) 

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