The Next Davinci

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~Chapter Five: The Next Davinci

Roar_Jungle ©~

Maths, what an interesting hour if I must say. The drawing that I did, was highly praised throughout the class.

Fortunately, Jai doesn't sit near me.

It's time for Period Four, AP Art and then Drama after Lunch.

I'm lost. Completely lost as I trail in the direction of the Art rooms. Multiple classrooms are in a row as I enter Room 102.

A middle aged woman with crazy blonde hair, bright blue eyes and a paint splattered apron greets me at the door.

"Jesse! Welcome!! I'm Miss Andrews." The energetic woman says, a faint British accent laced in her voice.

"Hi Miss." I say as I am lead to a desk where a sketch pad and pencils have been placed.

"I understand you sketch, not paint??" Miss says, almost like she's double checking.

"Yep. Do I have to draw anything in particular??" I ask as I sit down and place my bag on the ground under the table.

"Nope. Just draw whatever comes to mind and if you're stuck, there's figurines over there if you want to draw them." She says kindly before going to assist a boy in desperate need.

I glance around the colourful art room. No inspiration at all. Looking out the window, a couple sits on a bench, not a care in the world as their fingers entwine together. A bond so fragile yet so strong.

Focusing my complete attention on them, I begin to sketch the required outlines. Now I start to shade in the shadows on the entiwned hands..


The end of the day couldn't come any quicker. Drama is extremely boring and weird. I swear the teacher's a pedophile. He's relentless as he lustfully watches the slutty girls move around the classroom. Their short skirts barely covering their asses.

"Such a lost cause. Aren't they??" A familiar voice asks.

"Kat?? I didn't know you took Drama."

"Neither did I but hey here I am. I didn't know you took Drama." Kat says smugly.

"I won't be for long I think. I'm just gonna wag I think. Wanna come??"

"What the hell?? We can't just ditch class!!"

"Yeah we can. Believe me, we won't be missed." I saw as I gaze over at the creepy teacher. "Trust me Kat. I've done this hundreds of times." I say as I sling my bag over my shoulder.

Heading towards the door, I turn to see Kat isn't following me.

"Come on Kat. I need a wagging partner." I say, my voice quiet in comparison to the other students.

"Oh all right. One skipped class won't kill me. Fine. You happy now??" She huffs as she joins me at the door

"Yes. Very." I say as I push open the door. I smile smugly at her as I lead her away from the Drama classroom.

"Those stupid Barbies are so oblivious to Mr's lustful gaze." Kat comments as she walks beside me. She's a few inches shorter than I am.

"Hence the name Barbies." I say darkly as we round the corner. Two teachers are talking and Kat's eyes widen in fear of getting caught.

"Relax will you. Teachers can smell fear like a bloodhound." I mutter as we get closer to them.

Her hands ball into fists and I can't help the smirk that eases onto my lips.

"Excuse me, but shouldn't you two be in class??" One of the teachers asks.

"Sorry I'm new and I'm a tad lost. Kat here is just taking me to class." I say gesturing to the tense girl behind me. All three of us look at her, and I send a look to say 'loosen up!!'. She obeys. Phew.

"Okay. Well hurry up then girls." The other says. They both fall back into their conversation and Kat and I continue to walk.

"See, that wasn't so bad??" I ask.

"It was terrifying. I'm never doing that again!! Never again."

"Tsk, tsk. Never is a strong word my friend." I say as we walk towards the field. I click my tongue and hum 'Warrior'.

The bell rings shortly after and both us make our way to the front of the school. As we hit the concrete, the familiar group waits at the brick wall.

"Why did you come from the field?? I thought you had Drama??" Jai asks.

"Yeah. Keyword 'had'. Mr. Is creepy so I'm just gonna skip from now on. Kat wagged for the first time today!!" I say cheerfully and clap my hands.

Ryan gapes at his girlfriend but doesn't say anything. Whoops.

"Anywhore, let's go get some food. I'm hungry." I say and lead the group of people out of the school grounds.


As Luke jams his house key into the lock, a song blasts from phone speakers.

"Who has a text??" I ask as we enter the empty house.

"None of your business." Jai replies.

"Miss Ariana Grande I suppose then??" I tease as I gulp down some water.

"No." Jai says as he walks out of the kitchen. What a poufter.

A high pitched bark comes from the back yard. That's right they got a dog; Lala. For fucks sake. I'm allergic to dogs. The scratching of claws on linoleum rings in the ears as a little white dog comes into view. She's come up to about mid-calf but still, I am going to react pretty soon.

Screaming at the top of my lungs, I push past Luke and climb onto the table and curl into a ball. My eyes are wide and my hands won't stop shaking. Lala barks playfully as Luke bounds around the kitchen. Jai comes in and shakes his head at the scene playing out in front of him.

Not even asking if I'm okay, the two boys exit the kitchen and the hum of the tv take over Lala's bark. What??


"I'm home my lovelies." Gina calls through the front door as she arrives home from work. Her hair is falling out of her ponytail as she sees me still sitiing on the table in the fetal position. The fatty scent of melted cheese floats into my nose as Beau enters the kitchen as well, multiple boxes of pizzas in his arms. Or should I say toned arms? Woah, okay that was fucking weird.

They both stare at me confused as the twins join us. Lala's presence is felt and I can't help the cringe I produce as Lala barks. I shudder as I sneeze, loudly.

"You okay Hun??" Gina asks as she places a hand on my shoulder.

"No not really. I'm allergic *sneeze* to dogs." I continue to sneeze until Luke puts the dog outside.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know." Gina gushes.

"It's okay Gina. I just need to go to the doctors an get some antiallergy stuff." I sniffle. Climbing down, cautiously, from the table I wash my hands and blow my nose.

••Picture on the side is the picture Jesse draws••

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