Scared Little Times *Part Two*

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*Blaine's Old School; Grade 9*

???: Hey, look there's the school fag!

???: Ha! Look at him! Thinking he can get away with that.

Blaine was just talking to his only friend that stuck with him after everyone found out he was gay.

???: Sup' Ladies.

Blaine tried to ignore them.

???: Oh, Are you too busy thinking what you'll do with your little "friend" here once you're alone?

Blaine: Please just go away....

???: Oh, wait what was that? Did the little fag want to have a little fun in the parking lot later?

Blaine: No! That's not at all-

???: Sounds like a yes. Dumpster, after school. Don't be late or else we will hunt you down.

After that said, the bullies left to their football practice. Blaine hit his head against his locker.

Blaine: Well at least I'll have a witness, so I won't get hurt too bad. Right James?

He turned to his right but no one was there.

Blaine: James?

But James was no longer there nor' was he in sight. All that was left was a note taped to the locker next to Blaine.

The note stated~

'I'm sorry Blaine. But I can't be your friend anymore. The teasing has gotten worse and so has the physical abuse. Soon they'll start to hurt me. I don't want to see you get hurt and I want to be by your side, ready to dust you off. But I can't live in fear for my whole life. I'm sorry, I hope you understand....


Blaine: So that's it then.... I lost my only friend. One that I thought was true....

A tear slowly cascaded down his face.

*After School. Dumpsters*

Blaine: Please don't hurt me...

???: Ha! He thinks we're not gonna hurt him! He's one funny guy.

???: Ha! I know. Now let's get started. We got extra practice today because of the big game.

With that, the beating began. Blaine got a punch to the face. The impact made him lose his balance, and made him land on the floor. From then, the football players started to kick him. In the stomach. In the chest. Between the legs. Basically anywhere that would cause him pain.

It went on like this for an hour.....

Then one of them picked him up and knocked him back down. And continued the beating.

Finally it was time for their practice. All of the football players picked up Blaine's brutally abused body and tossed it in the dumpster. They went off to the field leaving Blaine in the dumpster, injured, bleeding, and unconscious.

Blaine was lucky to be found 15 minutes by his older brother, Cooper,  who was waiting for him for over an hour. 

He quickly called 911, and had Blaine taken to the hospital.

Blaine woke up a few days later. Blaine's parents nearly had a heart attack. They asked Cooper why he was like this. 

Cooper just replied with one word, " Bullies."

Blaine's dad was furious. He immediately took action, and talked to the principal. That day he found out that no one cared about safety for his son. Everyone was like," If your son chooses to be gay, his life will be like this. Sorry, nothing we can do about it." His dad finally understood the pain Blaine was going through and had him transferred immediately. That's how he end up at Dalton. 

From that day on, Blaine promised to himself to never shed another tear again.

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