Trust Issues *Part One*

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Blaine kept on giving Kurt loving and worried glances the whole car ride to Dalton. 'How long has this been going on?' Blaine thought to himself, 'If I see him ever again..' he sighed out loud. He took one long lasting look at Kurt. Blaine knew what just to do.

He carried Kurt up to his dorm, being careful not to wake him. The door swung open as if Blake could sense his presence. "Hi Blainey!" she said really cheerful.

"Shh, I don't want to wake him up," Blaine whispered.

"Aww..Kurtie looks cutie," Blake whispered-slurred.

"What?" Blaine asked placing Kurt on the bed.

"Kurtie looks cutie when he sleeps, like an angel," she repeated with a giggle in her voice.

"Yeah, he does," Blaine admitted, "Are you drunk?" She tilted her head, but never the less, with a smile on her face. Blaine turned his head to the counter and saw 2 empty vodka bottles. Blaine sighed. "C'mon let's get you to bed."

"Whatever you say Blainey," Blake said happily.

Blaine dragged her to the bed and gave her some pain killers so she wouldn't have much of a hangover later. "There, now go to sleep for a bit. If you feel like throwing up at all, the bathroom's door is open and there's a trash can right here in case if you don't think you'll make it."

"Thanks Bee," she kissed his cheek.

Blaine paused for a moment, but he remembered that she was drunk so what can you do, right? "Welcome." He turned to Kurt, about to wake him up. "Kurt," Blaine said softly, shaking him ever so softly, "Wake up."

Kurt woke up instantly. He looked around the room, wondering where he was; then the memories came flooding back. "What do you want?" Kurt asked, still mad at him.

Blaine's heart started to break at Kurt's tone, but he continued, not backing down. He had to make up with Kurt. "Your forgiveness," he said simply.

"Well, you're not getting it. You broke my heart," Kurt said, avoiding Blaine's eyes.

"Listen, I know I've been a major ass," Blaine started.

"The biggest," Kurt commented.

"The biggest ass of all time," Blaine continued, "But all my stories that I told you, they are true. The only reason why I told it wasn't was because I mbcbviu."

"You're what?" Kurt asked, still avoiding his eyes.

"I-I think I've fallen for you," Blaine managed to say. He couldn't say he was in love with him. It was too soon.

"What?" Kurt asked after a while, finally looking up to Blaine's eyes. He almost melted, staring into the familiar honey hazel eyes. But he refused to fall for Blaine again.

"I like you Kurt, from minute 1. I tried hard not to; you deserve someone better than me. I tried to push you away like I do with everyone else. I tried to hate you, but I ended falling more for you every second. You're impossible to hate. Please, just give me another chance," Blaine begged.

Kurt stayed still staring at him for awhile before saying, "No."

Blaine felt like his whole world had tumbled down, "W-what?"

"I'm not going to give you another chance; you'll have to earn it," Kurt responded.

Blaine nodded. He grabbed Kurt's hand and was surprised when he didn't let go. "Can we at least hang out every once in a while?" he asked sheepishly.

Kurt gave a slight nod. "But you'll have to earn back my trust, because right now, I don't trust you."

"Of course. I'll try even if it takes me a million years," Blaine replies softly.

Kurt just stared into space, unattaching his hand from his.

"Now that we've finish with that, ummm..about that guy-" Blaine started.

Kurt whipped his head back to Blaine with a look of disgust, anger, and pain. "Never, ever, ever-"

"Please just listen," he interrupted, "By the way he acted, I feel like this hasn't been the first time he's bullied you."

Kurt sighed and nodded.

Blaine swallowed the lump in his throat and continued, "So I was thinking about you transferring here."

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