Lauren: Squeeze

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Tomorrow it's my girlfriend birthday and she's on tour with her band, I want to surprise her and come to their show tonight.

My phone start to ring, I looked at the phone see a FaceTime call from my girlfriend, Lauren, I run up to our bedroom and take some tissues, put the blanket on.

"Hey babe" I said in a tried/sicky voice "what's up?" Her expression change from happy to worry in 0.01 seconds.

"Baby are you okay?" She asked.

"Yeah I'm" *cough* "good, what about you?" She looks so worried I hate to lie to her, but it's for a good reason.

"Yesterday you were fine, what happened?" She ignored my question.

"I don't know I woke up with a flu" I cough again "but what about you Lolo?".

"I'm coming home" she keep ignoring my question "I'll talk to the management" she so cute, I'm so lucky.

"No baby it's okay, I'll be okay in a day" her experience change for a big smile.

"I'll call my mom and tell her to come and watch you, I love you, bye"

"I Love you too, bye" she end the call.

With Clara I have no problem because I told her I'm going to surprise Lauren in Buenos Aires and that I'm going to act like I'm sick.

My fly is out in 7 hours so I decided to take a nap and be awake on the fly.

Beep... Beep... Beep.

My alarm start to beep, I stop it and start to get ready, I took my suitcase down stairs and all I was need.

"Okay... I think that everything" I said to myself, all left is to take Moon and Sun, our dogs, to Clara and Mike.

I arrived their home, take Moon and Sun out of the car and their bag, I knocked on the Jauregui's door "hey" I said once someone opened the door, I look up and saw Mike.

"Hey (Y/N), come it" he hugged me and I get into the house while he pet Sun and Moon, I go to the kitchen looking for Clara.

"(Y/n) how are you?" She said when she noticed me, I kissed her on the cheek cause her hands were dirty from cooking.

"I'm good, what about you" i said and Mike come into the kitchen as well.

"All go-" he start to say, but was cut by his two other children, Chris and Taylor.

"(Y/n), Sap?" Chris asked as her hugged me.

"Good bro" I went to hug Taylor "hey" I said.

"I think I should go, I need to arrived my fly" I said and kneel down next to Sun and Moon "bye guys" they both start to jump and licking me all over the face "be nice to grandpa and grandma, I'll be back in a few weeks with you mommy" I picked them up "I love you guys" I hugged them and put them back on the floor "bye" I hugged all of the Jauregui's.

"Bye mija" Clara said, when I was about to get out from the door Sun and Moon was trying to pull me back inside by my jeans.

"Guys I need to go, I'll be back before you even notice" they let go and now I'm on my way to the airport.

~after few minutes~

I was now in the airport goes on my fly to Brazil, even though I sleep 5 hours I was still tired so in the middle of the fly I fall asleep.

"Excuse me" someone said "madam״ I opened my eyes and I realized that we in Brazil and I was on the plane alone with the woman who set next to me.

I get up quickly "thank you" I said and she nodded, I was out of the airport after a few minutes Camila and their driver waiting for me, I looked for them, before I could even turn to the other side I feel a body hit mine and hands closing around my neck.

"Hey mila" I laugh into her neck.

"Hey" she said and I hugged her back.

All the drive Camila and I talked and laugh, I missed this girl.

"Lauren so worry about you" she said "she wanted to talk to the manager and tell him to let her go back home to take care of you" I smiled.

"She so cute" I said "I love her".

"I can tell" Camila said making me blush "you gonna share a room with Ally" she said as we arrived the hotel, I nodded.

We walk into the hotel up to our rooms, she give me a key for the room and go to her room.

"Ally" I said once I opened the door "Ally?".

"(Y/n)" she said and run to me, hugging me "how are you?"

"All good, what about you?" We pulls away.

"Good" she said, then we heard a knock on the door.

"Ally?" It was Lauren "Ally can I get your shampoo? Dinah filled mine with Coke" I laugh med a bit.

"Go hide" ally whispered "yeah just a sec" I hide in the closet and Ally opened the door "hey Lolo".

"Hey" my baby!!! I want to hold her so badly "thank you" she said and I heard the door get closed, I get out of the closet, even though I was out since I was 10.

"That was close" i said and breath out in relief.

״we have one bed" Ally said.

"And? We can sleep together" I said.

"I'm scared" I looked at her confused "I'm scared of Lauren, what if she'll find out?" I laugh at her.

"She won't kill you I promise" she sigh and I sit on the bed "so good luck on the show tonight" I said and hugged her.

~the show~

The preforming went amazing, the girls were amazing, I loved every second of that, but the only thing I could look at was Lauren, she was so sexy and beautiful.

They start singing squeeze and I know it's almost the time for me to go on stage.

Then they get to the chorus I go on the stage, everybody start to scream but I sign them to be quite, Normani keep Lauren attention on her, so I stand behind Lauren.

"Put your arms around me babe
Put your arms around me babe"

I put my arms around Lauren waist.

"And squeeze"

I squeezed her, she turn around in my arms and looked at me shocked.

"Only you know how to save me
Put your arms around me babe
And squeeze"

I sang to her, when I keep singing to her she put her arms around me and squeeze, I smiled.

I love the fact that hugs, cuddling and talking means more to me and to Lauren then kissing or sex, we do those stuff of course but we both would rather to cuddling and talking.

"Hey babe" I said into her ear.

"Hey" she pulls away from the hug and we smiled at each other.

"Kiss, kiss, kiss" the girls and the crowd start to say, we looked at each other and I smashed my lips on hers, they crowd went crazy, making Lauren laugh into my mouth, i title my head to deepen the kiss.

"Get a room!" Dinah said and we pushed away, I hugged the girls and went off the stage.

Even though we not the kind of couple to have sex every day, I have a surprise for Lauren tonight!

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