Ally: Ring

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You P.O.V:

Beep.... beep... beep... beep.

I groaned and turned off my alarm, I rub my eyes, looked at my left ready to see my beautiful girlfriend Ally, but then I remembered, she's on tour with her band fifth harmony, I miss her so much.
I didn't saw her for 2 months, my phone start to ringing, I took it to my hands and pick up.

"Hallo?" I said in a sleepy voice.

"I told you guys she isn't awake" I heard Normani from the other line "(y/n) wake up!!! Your flight is in more fives hours and I bet you didn't even order you bag and suitcase" She said.

"Don't forget the ring!!!" Lauren yelled from far away.

Ring? Flight?.


"Fuck" I said and ran out of bed "I totally forgot" i brushed my teeth and wash my face "now I remember why I'm so tired, I couldn't sleep last night".

"Aww... don't worry she will say yes" Camila said, confidently.

"She's loves you" Dinah added "oh and don't forget take protection" I heard a slap "ouch"

"Dinah!!" We all said together.

"Thanks god Allysus isn't here" I pretended praying.

"The ring (y/n) don't forget it" Normani said, making sure I remember.

"Okay" I said as I get out of the bathroom and started to take some clothes and everything I need "bye guys, I love y'-"

"Hey Ally" was the last thing I heard before they hang off.

"I want to hear my baby" I said out loud and groaned.

~three hours later~

I made sure I took everything and I go to my way to the airport.

~in the airport~

I ran into the airport and did everything I need then I took a place until my fly to Paris.

Me and Ally always dreamed of being together in Paris, the city of love, but I had my work and she had the tour and all, it didn't happened.

But now it is and with a plus surprise she may end up my wife (if she'll say yes).

'Fly 1432 to Pairs'

I took everything and went to the plane.

|group chat| you&girls

Me: I'm on the plane
Dj💩💁🏼: okay.

I put my phone on flight mode and tried to fall asleep, but then thoughts came into my mind.

What if she'll say no? What if she isn't love me anymore? What will I do if I will lost her? I love her, she is my one and only.

I hope she'll say yes, I love my little Ally.

All the fly I listened to music and play games in my phone until we landed.

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