Normani: It's Over (Part 2)

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Normani P.O.V:

"Mani, I brought you some food" Ally knocked on my hotel room door "Mani?".

"I'm not hungry" I said and go back to look on the tv, even though it was off.

"Normani please, you have to eat" Ally said and knocked on my door again.

Since the day (y/n) broke up with me I become a really messy and depressed, I didn't eat much, the girls always forced me to eat and I gave up when they didn't, I lost her, I was stupid for letting that bitch into my house.

"Normani I'm sorry for what I did to you" Ariana said and looked down, ashamed "it just, you know fam and all" I nodded.

We date two years ago, we were happy couple and all that shit, or that's what I though, Ariana used me for get fam, she never liked me, when I found out I broke up with her and moved on, then I met my beautiful (y/n) and I was really happy, no one used me anymore.

"That's all you have to say?" I asked coldly, I just wanted to be with my girlfriend but instead I need to listen to this bitch.

"I know I hurt you" she tried to took my hand in her own but I pulls away "Normani I'm sorry, I really am" I didn't know what to say, I was in love with her and she hurt me.

"Okay, you can go" I said and get up from the couch "bye" I said.

"No wait" she catch my hand and sat me down again "I want a second chance" she said.

"What the fuck Ariana?! I have a GIRLFRIEND" i start to get angry "I'm happy now, I'm finally happy after what you did to me" I said "can't you leave me alone?".

"Normani I want you and only you" she said looked like she is about to cry "I can't live without you, back then I was stupid, I love you" I couldn't see her crying and I get closer to her to hug her, but instead she put her lips on mine and kissed me, I tried to push her away but I couldn't, she attached me to the couch, holding my hands above my head, we heard something falling, she looked up and I took the chance to get out of her grip, I looked where the noise came from and my eyes widened.

It was (y/n).

"(Y/n) no, it is not what it's looks like" I saw the tears in her eyes sliding on her cheeks "please (y/n) let me explain" I get up from the couch and walked to her, I tried to hold her hand but she pushed away from me "(y/n) please" I felt my tears sliding on my cheeks.

"It's over" She said, I felt my world falling on me, no I can't lose her, I shook my head and tried to reach out for her hand again "you heard me, it's over".

"No please (y/n), please" I hold her hand as she start to walk through the door, I looked over at Ariana she had an innocence look on her face, she play it like she was shocked from what just happened, I can't believe her, because of her I'm going to lose the love of my life.

I followed her to her car, pleading for her to stay, I couldn't stop crying, she get into the car "please don't go, I love you (y/n)" She shook her head and drive away, I couldn't do anything, I just fall on my knees into the ground.

I just lose the love of my life.

After a few minutes I get back into the house, I saw Ariana sitting at exactly same spot "babe, are you okay?" She isn't looked sorry.

"Get out" I said with a clod/blocked voice.

"Normani this slut isn-" I took her by her throat and pinched her to the wall.

"Isn't what?!" I yelled in her face, I was an emotions mess, I felt anger, sadness, week "get the fuck out of my house, if I ever see you again I'll make sure it's the last time you will ever see" she nodded her head and I let go of her, Ariana fell into the floor and get up as fast as she could and ran out of my house.

And I stayed there crying myself to sleep.

*end of flashback*

I tried to call (y/n) again even though I knew it was useless, I tried to call her every day since the break up, the only time someone answered in the other line was when her best friend Cara told me to stop calling her.

~few days later~

I was in my bunk listening to music, I listened to (y/n)'s playlists, I miss her so much, I need her with me.

Someone slide the curtain aside I opened my eyes and saw Dinah with a big smile on her face "get your ass out of bed, you have a special gesture" I sign and get out of my bunk "it the back" she said and I nodded.

I walked with my head down to the back of the bass, when I opened the door a body collided with mine in a hug, I hugged back for some reason, and then I smell it, this perfume, its her.

I pulls away from the hug only to make sure my nose was not foolish me, but it wasn't.

(Y/n) stood in front of me with a big smile on her face and tears in her eyes, I hold her face in my hands, I wasn't imagining "hey" she whispered, she put her forehead against mine.

"Hey" I said back, my cheek was hurt from my smile "what are you doing here?" I asked confused.

"Ariana talk to me, she told me everything" she said "baby I'm sorry, I am so so sorry" she looked down ashamed but I put my finger under her chin and make her looking at me.

"I am sorry" I said and she crushed her lips into mine, I immediately kissed back, we kissed like it was our last kiss, I missed those lips, I didn't wanted her to stop but we need to breath at some point "I'm sorry, I'm sorry baby" I whispered.

"Shh..." she put her finger on my lips shutting me "I'm sorry for not letting you explain, I was stupid, I should've answer you" she said.

"No, you act like any other person would act" I said "I was the stupid one, how could I believed she changed?" I said in anger at myself "are you forgive me?" She nodded.

"I love you" she said and looked into my eyes.

"I love you too" I replied and kissed her passionately and loving.

"They're back" someone yelled from the door, we both looked to she door and see Lauren and Ally standing there and Camila and Dinah running standing next to them.

"Y'all own me 10 dollars" Dinah said with a proud smile, me and (y/n) just watched them, laughing "now lets give the couple a bit of privacy״ she smirked and they all turned to leave "use protection" Dinah said.

"Dinah!!" Ally yelled and she gave Dinah a hit on her back.

"What?! They are going to do this" Dinah said and we both along with Ally shook our heads "bye" they all despaired.

"So... we're alone" (y/n) said with a smirk "let's give the fun begins" she said seductively, I bite my lips "movie night" she screamed like a child, I start to laughing, this girl is unbelievable.

"We'll do what ever you wants princess" I said and she put the movie on.

And that's how we spend the night kissing and cuddling while watching movies.

Everything is back now.

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