Ally: break and back

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(You G!P)
(Your P.O.V)

"BABE, WE'RE LATE!" I yelled from down stairs to my girlfriend, we going to a party and Ally take forever to get ready.

"I'm coming!" She walked down the stairs and my mouth fell opened, she looked so stunning, she wear black tight short dress with cuts on the sides of her waist showing a bit of her skin and white heels with silver around the ankles. (Outing below)

"Fuck" I breath out "you" my voice was extremely high, I clean my throat "you looks very... WOW!" I couldn't find the words to describe the beauty in front of me.

"Thank you" she said with a smile "you looks wow yourself" I laughed and rubbed the back of my neck.

"I don't think I'll be able to keep it in my pants when you looks like that" I said and get closer to her, I bite her earlobe and she moaned slightly, while I kissed down her neck.

"So you should keep it there" Ally squeezed my member gently, she such a teaser "now lets go, the girls already there" I nodded, took the car keys and ran after Ally to our car.

(Skip the drive)

"Hey" Ally and I said at the same time when we saw the girls waiting for us outside, the second we walked out the car twenty paparazzi attached us, I pulled Ally to my side and tried to protect her from the crowd.

"Lets go inside" Normani said and we all nodded, we walked to the door, all the paparazzi followed us, pushed each other and tried to get pictures of Ally and the girls, when we finally reached the house the loud music filled our ears.

"IM GOING TO GET SOMETHING TO DRINK" Dinah yelled and U guess Normani said she'll join her because they walked together.

"Wanna dance?" I whispered in Ally's ear and she nodded "let's go" we were about to go but Camila stopped us.

"Where you both going?" She asked "I don't wanna stay alone" Me and Ally looked at each other then at Camila, then at Lauren who stood right behind her, when Camila finally realized where we looked at she turned to see her girlfriend on her phone "but she isn't talking to me because I broke the last Nutella" she looked at us sad.

"Try talk to her, she gonna give up soon" Camila nodded and went to Lauren, we watched then for a few minutes until Lauren kissed Camila's cheek and smiled at us then we knew we can go and have some fun.

Ally and I stood at the dance floor and I wrapped my arms around her and turned her so her back be against my front, she started to move at the beat of the music and I did the same, kissing her softly on the cheek.


"I'll be right back, I need to pee" I said to Ally and she nodded, i made her do a spinning and walked away, smiling.

I walked to the bathroom and get into one of the 6 bathroom, opened my pants button and do my business "FU-".

"Shh... be quite baby" well, I found Dinah and Normani... they went to get something to drink then come back but disappeared a second later.

I walked out from the bathroom and went to wash my hand, it the bottom of the bathroom Dinah and Normani was in you could see underwear on the floor and someone kneeling to the ground, well those two having a good time and I don't wanna know about it or think about it...

I walked out of the bathroom but almost bumped into Camila who was second later attached to the wall and being aggressively kissed by Lauren, Lauren was clearly drunk but it didn't seem to bother Camila.

I keep walking to my girlfriend, well I guess I have to make her want to leave so I can enjoy this night as well...
When I finally spotted Ally all my thoughts get blurred, Ally was grinding on her fucking ex, Tory was kissing Ally's cheek and push her more against his body. I felt my anger rising and I ran to them, take Ally to stand by me and punched Tory "DONT YOU DARE TOUCH HER EVER AGAIN!" I yelled and took Ally's hand, ruin outside to our can a drive home.

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