Ally: its okay

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(Your P.O.V)

I ran down the hallway to my math class, I was late in half an hour, some guy and girl from my math class locked me in the server's closet, saying I'm 'use to be in the closet'.

Since Noah and Daniel the most popular girls at school read out loud in front all the school my personal diary everyone knows now I'm gay, I get bullied a lot and even abused, that's so hurt,  physically and mentally, but I got to hold on with it, because now it's my life... I guess.

"Sorry miss Grande, I get locked in the bathroom" I said as I took my place while the girl and the guy who locked me laughed at me and whispered something to each other.

"That's okay" miss Grande said as she mentioned me to take my place and I did, I opened my books and started to keep up with the rest of the class.


"And then you- hello" our chemistry teacher stopped talking when few girls get into the class, they all has tattoos and some of them piecing as well, the girl with the pink hair catch my attention, she was so beautiful "you must be the new students, right?" They nodded and take their sits far away behind, I looked back and saw the pink haired girl looking at me with a smile and biting her lips, I quickly turned back to the teacher and blushed.

"Okay I need all the class in teams of two" Mr Styles said "wait umm... the new with Miss Greffen, Mr Malik, miss Lovato, Mr Efron and miss (m/l/n)" I looked at the back and saw the new girl with the pink hair coming in my direction, oh shit. I started to get nervous as she take the seat next to me.

"Hey I'm Ally Hernandez" she said with a smile and gave her hand to me to shack.

"I-im (y/n)" I stuttered "(y/l/n)" I shock her hand and smiled.

"You're cute" she said with a smirk, making me blush, I turned my head away but she put her hand on my chin and turn my head back to her "no don't turn you beautiful face away from me" she lay in but then I get a slap on my head with I guess book.

"We should study" I said quickly, Ally nodded and opened our books, but not before shooting a mad look at the person who hit me.

Why she like this? She don't know me and who I am, I bet the moment she'll realize I'm not even popular she will get away from me.

(Week later)

"HEY! (Y/N)! Wait" Ally ran after me on my way out of school I stopped and looked but at her, she was breathing heavily and she put her hands on her knees, catching her breath.

"Hey Ally" I said with a smile "is everything okay?".

"I wanted to ask you if you want to come to Noah birthday party today" she asked "it will be fun" I shook my head no.

"I can't" I went back to my way to my car but she followed me.

"Why not?" She stopped me and I looked back at her.

"I... I don't like parties" I lied, I obviously can't go to that party, all the  school will make fun of me that I went to a party I didn't even was invited to.

"Oh, so we can just hang out" she said screeching the back of her neck, I looked at her surprised "my friends will probably join us as well" she said.

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