Normani: Say You Won't Let Go

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You P.O.V:

I walked into the club, the music start to get louder and louder as I get more into the room, I looked for my best friends.

"(Y/N, Right here" I looked to my left and saw my best friend/the girl I middle in love with waving to me, I ran to her and hugged her "hey beautiful" Normani said making me blush.

"Hey" I said back and walked to the other girls "hey guys!!" I hugged each one of them.

"Hey (y/n)" Dinah said "lets go get something to drink" she suggests and we all nodded, we took our cups and drank it in one sip, I felt like my Throat is on fire, we took another one, I start to feel dizzy already.

I get closer to Normani and moved her hair to the side "let's dance babygirl" she took my hand and we go to the dance floor, the girls join us as well.

Normani turned with her back to me start grinding on me, I pulls her closer and kissed her neck.

"Get a room" Dinah said but we were to drunk to understand what was happening.


After 2 hours and more drinks Mani told me she's tired "girls, I'm taking Mani back to the hotel" I said and hiccuped.

"Be safe" Ally said, she wasn't that drunk "I'll calling a taxi" she said while I was just staring at her with an unreadable expression.

Ally took me and Mani to the texi and payed to the driver, he drove us to the hotel, when we finally get to the hotel, I took Mani to her room.

"I don't *hiccup*  feeling good" she laughed "I have to *hiccup* throw up" when she said that I took her to the bathroom, I held her hair back as she threw up, then she looked over her shoulder and smiled, I felt like a stone clod and sober.

"You should go to sleep" I took her to the bed and lay there with her, holding her closer to my chest.

"Can you stay?" I looked at her and she smiled sleepy, making me fall for her even more.

"I think You should get some rest" I said as she nodded and start to fall for a deep sleep.

I love her so much, but she doesn't know it, I always play it cool when I was around her because I was scared of letting go, I need her so much but I can show it to her, it may ruined everything between us, I want to be with her forever.

~few years later~

I woke up really early, I wanted to make a breakfast to my beautiful wife, Normani, I took the the food I made for her and some coffee and went to our room and I kissed her on her forehead "good morning babe" I said as she start to wake up.

"Good morning" she said with a big smile and pulls me into a kiss.

"I'll take the kids to school today" I said and I went To wake up our children, Harmony and Alex.


"Bye guys" I said waving them "have a nice day at school today" they waved back and get into the school, I'm so thankful that this is my life, everything changed from that night we were at the club, I went home back to my amazing wife.

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