Camila: truth or dare

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(Your P.O.V)

"Cameeeellllaaaaa" I yelled as I ran to my best friend she turn around and her eyes widened when she saw I was running to her direction really fast, she put her hands in front of her in defend, but I just pick her up, making her giggled "Cami I missed you" I said in my baby voice.

"I missed you too" she said while laughing "now put me down" I gently let go of her and she stand on her legs in front on me, I kissed her cheek and she blushed.

"Hey, what about us?" Dinah pout but then laughed when I hugged her too and then Ally, Normani and lastly Lauren...

God Damn she is so beautiful... "hey lolo" I said a bit shy, she gave me a big tooth smile.

"Hallo nugget" she hugged me closer and I hold on her.

"So, (y/n) how are you?" Dinah asked and I let go of Lauren and looked at Dinah "I heard from Chancho your mom got the job at Giffin company" I nodded proudly.

"Yeah she did" I said "she is starting today and my dad is finally back home from the hospital, and you guys here, everything is just perfect" I looked over at Lauren who had a big smile on her face and so did Camila.

"Let's go eat some Waffles" Ally suggested and we all nodded, when we get to Waffle House Ally ran in excited (like always) and take a place on a table for 6, I sat next to her and Camila next to me, then Lauren, Dinah and Normani.

"Wait?" They all looked up from the menu "what y'all doing here?" I asked confused.

"Eat?" Dinah said and go back to her menu "stupid" I rolled my eyes at her.

"No, I mean here in Miami" I laughed "why you aren't with your families in Texas and California?"

"Oh, we wanted to see you" Ally smiled her famous beautiful smile "we missed you and that was sucks that you couldn't come to our tour" she said.

"Awwe... guys I love youu" I hugged her, but then I felt really hungry so I get back to the menu.


"Sleep over?" Lauren asked me and Camila as we done watching Toys story two.

"We need to get clothes" I said and get up but Lauren sat me back down "what?"

"You can take mine" I nodded and smiled "my parents text me that Tay and Chris stay over their friends house and my parents are staying over at my grandpa house" she said.

"Cool" I took Camila hand and went with her upstairs to change "what should me stole from her?" I asked with a smirk already know the answer.

"You know..." we both smirked and took out Lana Del Ray shirts and two shorts pants of adidas and we went downstairs.

"Hey" I said as I sat back next to the girls, Lauren looked up at Camila who was still standing.

"Camilaaa" all of us started to laughed so hard "I told y'all do not touch my Lana shirts" she get up then she saw I was wearing it too "(y/n), Camila you both going to change, NOW!" We didn't moved, knowing she will give up eventually.

(Camila P.O.V)

We were eating a pizza and watching Moana, me and (y/n) were still in Lana's shirts, yeah Lauren gave up, if we already talked about (y/n) and Lauren... those two looks really close, right now Lauren is hugging (y/n) and I fucking hate it, like, TAKE YOU FUCKING HANDS FROM MY GIRL!!! Well (y/n) isn't my girl.

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