Normani: It's Over (part 1)

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Your P.O.V:

I was at home waiting for my girlfriend Normani, she was all day in the studio with the girls, she must be exhausting, I sat up a dinner for her and some roses with a cute quote and went upstairs to the bathroom to take a quick shower.

Beep... beep... beep...

I turned my alarm off and looked to my left, ready to meet my beautiful girlfriend face, last night I was tired so I went to sleep before Normani get home, when I turned around I saw nothing but a empty bed, I went downstairs and saw the food wasn't being touched.

She didn't came back last night? What if something bad happened to her? My babe. I took my phone and tapped her number, after a two rings she pick up.

"Hello?" She sounds sleepy "who is it?" She asked.

"It's me, (y/n)" I bite my upper lip "Mani where are you? Are you okay?" I asked "do you want me to come and pick you up?"

"No, no, I'm okay, I was tired after recording all day so I went to sleep at Dinah's house" she explained "I'm sorry for letting you worry about me baby".

"That's okay, you sure you don't want me to pick you up?" I asked again.

"Dinah, where's my car keys?" Of course Dinah didn't answered "Dinah! DINAH" I heard a thump and Normani cursed, I hold my laugh "I can hear you (y/n)" she said annoyed and I start to laugh.

"I can take you home if you want Mani" I heard Ally saying.

"Okay, thanks" Normani said "I'll be home soon, I love you, bye" a big smile find his way to my face.

"Okay, I love you too, bye" I hang off and went to make us breakfast, I threw all the food from yesterday and the roses, they didn't get water all night so now they are dead. I start making eggs and toasts, I heard a knock on the door, that's probably Normani, I ran to the front door opening it.

But it wasn't Normani, it was a girl with a brown hair and eyes, she was thin with a narrow face and her skin was light brown.

"Umm... hey" I said a bit hesitant "do you... uhm... need something?" She looked at me and then into the house.

"I'm looking for Normani Kordie" I looked at her confused "do you know her? I heard she's living here".

"Y-yeah, what do you need from her?" I asked curiously.

"Oh... sorry I didn't introduced myself" she put her hands out for me "I'm Ariana Grande" I shook her hand.

"I'm (y/n) (y/l/n), Normani's gir-" "Hey baby girl" I get cut by Normani, she finally here, I ran to her and hugged her tightly.

"Hey babe" I said and kissed her completely forgotten about Ariana's presenters.

"Hey Mani" Ariana said, Normani quickly pulled away from the kiss and looked at the brown hair girl "did you missed me?" I looked at Normani who looked completely confused.

"A-Ariana? What are you doing here?" Normani took a protective position in front of me, I was so confused.

"Who is she?" I whispered into Normani's ear.

"What?! You didn't told her about me?" She faked hurt and placed her hand over her heart "how could you? I was her first girlfriend" Ariana get closer to Normani and hugged her, I hugged Normani's arms closer to me.

"What are you want?" Normani said coldly, she pushed Ariana away from her and hugged me.

"I just passed by and though why not to come and say hey" She said, Normani pulls me into the house and was about to close the door but Ariana put her foot in the door way "look Normani" she looked down "I just want to talk to you, please" Noramni looked at me and I nodded.

"I'll be upstairs" I said and start to walk to our bedroom.

"Normani I'm sorry for..." I closed the door behind me and sat on the bed waiting for Mani to call me back down.

It's been a while and Normani didn't come to call me, I get up from my spot on the bed and went downstairs only to see my girlfriend making out with her ex.

I felt like my world is falling apart, I can't believe she did that, the phone slipped from my hand. Normani quickly pushed Ariana away and looked at me.

"(Y/n) no, it is not what it's looks like" I felt the tears sliding my cheeks "please (y/n) let me explain" she get up from the couch and walked to me, she tried to hold my hand but I pushed away "(y/n) please" Normani start to cry.

"It's over" the words just came out of me mouths, She shook her head no and tried to hold my hand again "you heard me, it's over".

"No please (y/n), please" she held my hand but I start to walk to the door, I looked over at Ariana she had an innocence look on her face, she was shocked from what just happened.

Normani followed me to the car, she was crying, it's made everything more harder for me, I get into the car "please don't go, I love you (y/n)" I shook my head and drive away, I looked at the mirror and saw Normani falling on her knees to the ground crying, I trying to hold my tears but I filled and cried as well.

I just broke up from the love of my life.

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