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*Flashback starts*

"Luhan!! Come back! Don't run too fast! You will catch a cold!" Sehun shouted at a running and playing figure of Luhan in the rain.
"No! I want to play! Sehunna~ You too leave the umbrella and play with me!!" Luhan spin around with his arms wide open, looking so happy.

Sehun shook his head as his grip on his umbrella tighten. Sehun hurriedly run towards Luhan, worried that luhan would catch a cold or maybe fell ill.

"Luhan stop playing in the rain. You will definitely catch a cold if you play any longer" Sehun said as he grab luhan's wrist and tried to pull him under the umbrella but luhan trip his foot and was about to fall down but thanks to Sehun who caught him on time.

Sehun's both arms were encircled around Luhan's waist holding him tightly. Umbrella already on the ground. Whereas Luhan one hand was gripping tightly on Sehun's chest the other place on Sehun's shoulder.
Both were so close to each other they could sense each other breath on their lips. Lips so close that it was brushing against one another. Sehun move his lips closer when he saw luhan closing his eyes. When their lips finally met "AAACCHHUU!" Luhan sneezed breaking the moment the two had.

Sehun thought luhan look so cute with the pinkish colour that was spreading on his cheeks "See, I was right. You have catch a cold" Sehun grin, looking down at Luhan.

"No, I haven't-AACCHHU!" If Luhan face was pink a while ago, it was now a tomato. He looked so adorable to Sehun right now.

Sehun decided to tease him a little bit.
"I beg to differ. You have." Sehun smile handsomely and stick out his tongue.

Luhan puff his cheek and as quick as a lightening he kiss Sehun. The younger was surprise with the older actions but soon reciprocate the kiss.

"This is what you get for teasing me" luhan said between the kiss.
"If this is what I get for teasing you. I will gladly tease you every passing seconds" Sehun words made luhan blush. Sehun seeing luhan beautiful face with his eyes closed. His grip on luhan tighten. And pull him even closer if it's even possible. Luhan arms made his way around the younger neck and lock his fingers on sehun's hair as the kiss got more and more intense. Both were too engrossed in one another that they didn't notice or maybe didn't bother about the rain or the people who were passing by but surely taking glances at them.

When they finally pull apart for oxygen Sehun notice how red luhan was. And how his love for luhan was growing day by day. He smile when he realize that luhan belongs to him and he belongs to luhan.

"Saranghae Luhan.." Sehun said as he peck luhan's lips.

"Wo ai ni Sehunna..."

*Flashback ends*

*Morning 6:45 A.M*

A drop of tear escape from Sehun's eyes when he remember the memories of luhan and him.

He was so deep in his memories that he didn't notice his mother entering his room. His mother sat down on his bed but Sehun didn't notice, like usual.

"Sehun, you are still thinking of the past?" Sehun's mom said as she shook his arm gently.

(Sebaek/HunBaek)Take My HandWhere stories live. Discover now