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Baekhyun suddenly woke up at the middle of the night. It was still dark outside. He was sleeping so peacefully, so Baekhyun didn't know the reason for why his sleep was broken and he woke up so suddenly. He wasn't feeling that he needs to go and take a piss nor was he hungry. Then why did he wake up. Frown in his face Baekhyun decided to sleep again. Not even 10 seconds must have past before Baekhyun open his eyes again.

Baekhyun furrowed his brows and dug his hand under the pillow searching for his phone. Luckily he found it. He switch on the phone to see what the time was and saw that it was 3:10 am. Baekhyun sigh and tried to sleep again when he remember Jongin's word 'It is in google fact that whenever you wake between 2:00am to 4:00am without any reason. Someone is watching you. Of course going to toilet or feeling hungry doesn't count. It can be a ghost or human but someone is watching you that is for sure'

Baekhyun gulp the forming lump in his throat. He now wants to hit Jongin for telling him this information. Baekhyun is the kind of person that likes to watch and Listen to ghost stories and regret it later. So it is not entirely Jongin fault but Baekhyun is not going to admit it. Baekhyun would share the most scariest ghost stories with friends and spend the next couple of days feeling like he is not alone and the ghost from the stories are following him or is with him.

Now not being able to fall asleep Baekhyun look over at his sister wanting to wake her up but he knows it will not work. His sister is a deep sleeper and he will probably end up being kick out of the bed even if this bed is his. His sister look like an angel in her sleep but oh don't be fool by her looks. She is quite opposite of her look. Taeyeon speaks her mind but she still is timid, awkward and clumsy and not to mention quite perverted as well. Both Byun children are bless with small face, innocent features,white skin, small structure making them look younger than their actual age. While Taeyeon's body is like a kid but still pretty, Baekhyun got more curves then his sister. Small waist and wide hips making the perfect 'S' line body.

It is not a secret that Taeyeon envy Baekhyun's body line. Baekhyun even once heard Taeyeon singing 'My body is 'S' line~' sorrowfully when she realized her younger brother got more curves than her after one of her Friends, Yoona pointed it out.
Both Byuns even got a beautiful voice but Baekhyun doesn't have confidence in his voice and in himself, opposite of Taeyeon who participate and sing in many competition and functions.

Huffing and changing his position in bed Baekhyun is trying hard to fall asleep but sleep is not seeping into him. Baekhyun is feeling hot because of the room temperature but the A.C remote is on his study table and no, Baekhyun is not going to get out of the bed. Who will save him if someone grab his legs from under the bed when he step out for the remote.

As the time passes by Baekhyun is feeling more hot because Byun Baekhyun is still under the blanket because he is scare if someone grab his legs or lower body so having a blanket around him gives him a secure feeling inside. Baekhyun was staring at his study table or more precisely the AC remote when he remember Jongin words again 'Baekhyun if you want to look for ghost look to your right, look to your left, look inside your bed, look inside your closet, look behind you but never look up. They hate to be seen.."

(Sebaek/HunBaek)Take My HandWhere stories live. Discover now