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No no no.

I threw my hands into my hair and groaned loudly.

He can't call me! No!

I wanted him to forget about me, like he did before, and just go on with his life. Not pretending to "love me" again just so I can get hurt again.

My phone ringed loudly and I felt like it got louder, and louder, and louder.

I have to tell him. I have to tell him my thoughts.

I hesitantly answered the phone and immediately my stomach dropped.

"H-hello?" I say breathing heavily.

"Madeline?" He says with a husky voice.

I held my breath, which felt like forever. Immediately, my feelings for him started to crawl back to me.

No, what is he doing to me.

His voice sounded so innocent and beautiful. Just like it did before.

"Justin?" I say back to him, holding my phone with both hands.

"Madeline Jones, I miss you. And it hurts like hell that I can't see you, because I miss you so fucking much. Madi, I started texting you because I saw your name and number in my contacts when I was drunk one day and immediately my feelings for you burned a hole in my heart. I had to talk to you. I had to hear your voice right now because I just had to. No exception. No explanation. Just because I love you. And it sucks that I do this shit to you constantly, telling you I love you, and leaving you on edge, but it's true and I really do. I can't not talk to you now, because I'm attached to you Madeline Jones. I love you."

I start to sob quietly and then it becomes louder.

"J-justin!" I sob and stutter.

"Are you- are you crying?" He says.

I sniffle. "You make me so happy Justin."

"Oh my god Madi you have no idea." He laughs.

We talk for a little, before I say I have to go.

I hang up and smile to myself.

All my feelings for Justin came back and I was fine with it.

I think I might actually love him.


Just maybe.

I love you Madeline Jones.
delivered 1:34 am


Yay they have forgiven eachother! Next chapter will be texting again!

Vote and Comment:)

xoxo- sydney

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