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delivered 9:34 pm

delivered 11:23 pm

delivered 11:29 pm

delivered 11:30 pm

why didn't you tell me?
delivered 11:31 pm

about what..?
delivered 11:31 pm

about her.
delivered 11:31 pm

delivered 11:45 pm

justin im done. you fucking do crazy shit to my heart and then you crush it every other day.
delivered 11:47 pm

look madeline, I know you dont understand, but its fake. Its all for fame basically. I dont even love her. Let alone like her. Celebrities always fake relationships, this is no big deal.
delivered 11:49 pm

are you insane? you think I believe that shit? justin your fucking crazy. how selfish are you to say you dont even like her, and are just "dating" her all for fame? does she know whats happening? does she know what you doing?
delivered 11:53 pm

madi you dont understand life like im supposed to. it's not that easy for you to be a celebrity but still be single. I needed to have someone be my fake girlfriend and selena said okay. well.. she didn't exactly but that doesn't matter. what matters is that I love you.
delivered 11:54 pm

justin. your in some deep, messed up shit and im not going to deal with it. I thought you were different. I thought you were more then this. clearly you shown your not, and thats a good sign for me to leave now. maybe we could be friends when you have your shit together.
delivered 11:57 pm

friends? I dont want to be friends with you madi, I want to be more then that.
delivered 11:58 pm

well I don't.
delivered 12:00 pm
seen 12:00 pm


omg this book keeps getting more and more reads and im freaking out every one person lol.

vote and comment:)

xoxo- sydney

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