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I lay on my bed and scroll through instagram for a while.

I see all these pictures of cute things and wonder, why am I not doing these things?

Well maybe because I'm broke, have no friends, and am single. That's probably why.

I roll my eyes at some pictures and then see one that catches my eye.

It was sponsored, and it was Calvin Klein add. But there was something unique about it. Justin was in the picture.

I almost dropped dead looking at him in just underwear, and immediately went to the description to see if he had instagram.

He did.

I immediately go to dm him, but then I realized if he will even get it. So many people follow him so he probably gets loads of dms every second.

I look through his feed and see he just posted a picture.

Just now.

Maybe I have a chance.

I go into his dms and tell him that its me and my phone number and I tell him what happened.

A minute later, I get a text.


I know this was rlly short, and stupid, but I couldn't have this story be freakin her texting justin, if she wasn't even texting justin for a billion chapters. #lazy

vote and comment:)

xoxo- sydney

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