#43 secretes

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me and ni ni where In our room doing well not much I was on the computer and he was drawing

"Umm niall?" i said looking at me "yeah?" He said said still drawing "can I ask you something?" I asked "sure what is it?" He said putting the notebook away "well sometimes I ask you stuff and you don't Anserw...tell me the truth....do you have any secretes?"

He got wide eyes and looked away "pfft what? No I'm a free secrete man" He said

Ijumped on the bed and sat next to me "ohh really?" I said with a smirk "y-yeah" He mutterd out "listen babe if you don't tell me I'm gonna grab all the things you love and burned them"

"Not mr.snuggles" He said "tell me!" I said "okay well when I was in the 3 grade I had to go to the bathroom really really bad cuz I drinked too much soda in recess...so I asked the teacher if I could go and she said no wait till second recess so I waited and I couldn't no more"

"So I looked around and I pied myself Infront of everyone and my crush" He said I bursted out laughing "it's not funny"he said he looked at me "people used to call me captain pee pants" he said

"Aww babe I'm sorry...want me to make you a milkshake to help you feel better?"I asked "yes" i rolled my eyes with a smile and gave him a peck on the lips before i walked out to the kitchen


" say it...say it outloud" "your a...vampire" the movie said "it's really nice he told the person he really loves what he is just so he can be worried free"

"Yeah..." He said looking down "zayn what's wrong?" I asked "Niall I have a secrete and I have to tell you but I can't cuz I will lose you" he said with a tear falling out his eye

"Babe you can tell me anything..." I said holding his hand "I-I'm a Muslim" he said looking Down

"Ohh..." I simply said "yeah now go pack your bags sence your leaving" he said getting up I grabbed his hand and pulled him back "I'm not going anywhere" I said placing my forehead with his "I do t care what you are your my hero,lover,boyfriend and sunshine"

He smiled and crashed his lips on mine that afternoon we stayed there telling echoder secretes


Hey guys it's me Alex thanks for all the new votes I really really appreciate it thanks also follow me on twitter

TWITTER:alexxaiscool (I'm to stupid for a good name)

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