#50 new kid part 1

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Normal day in school...homework,drama,fights and love

That's something zayn is gonna experience

The school door opened exposing him with his crew 'the cobras' him with his facial hair ,biker boots ,leather jacket , ripped jeans and v-line red shirt

Everyone moves out if the way because his the baddest boy cuz in zayns past he went to teenager jail for fighting a teacher and the principal

He walks Into class and sits down he sees one of his best friend come in named Liam

Liam come close to him and starts talking with him "morning zayn..." He said "hey why so happy?" He asked looking at Liam's smile

"One of my friends from my old school is coming to this school I'm so excited" he said

"Alright well-" "look his here" Liam said zayn looked to the door and everything went slow motion

A beautiful boy with blonde hair and deep icy blue eyes wearing comvers with skinny jeans and a white t shirt

"Zayn...!" Liam said "hmm?what?" He said snapping out of his imagination

"This is my friend Niall....Niall this is my best friend zayn" "hi..." He said shaking my hand "hey nice to meet you" He said smiling at him

"Alright class take your seats" the teacher said putting her bags on her desk

Niall was still standing up "excuse me are you the new student?"

She asked him "ummm yeah..." "Alright then take a seat" she said he looked around and everyone had a partner

"Hey Niall seat with me"

Zayn said he smiled and sat next to him

After class zayn followed Niall all the way to his locker he waited till he left he went up to it and fitted a note in it


Niall was walking back from his class to his locker he opened it and found a piece of white paper he opened it and had a message

'Meet me at the bleachers after school ;) xx ~ anonymous'

Niall felt scared cuz maybe it could be a rapist but he didn't know

The bell ringed and it was time for Niall to see who this person was he grabbed his back pack and walked the the bleachers he didn't see anyone so he sat down there with his phone in hand

Zayn come walking out from behind "hey little tinker bell..." He said to him "where you the one to send me that note?"

"Suprise..." He said sitting down "ummm why did you want me to meet you here?" He asked "cuz your new and your pretty cute and I want to know more about you pretty boy"

Niall was feeling wierd "ummm alright then..." He sat next to him and started talking about himself

A hour passed and it was getting dark "ohh I have to go..." He said grabbing his bag "no stay please?" Zayn pleaded holding his hand

"Zayn I have to go..." He said "are you sure?" He asked moving him close slowly by the hand till he was close enough for them to attach lips

Niall was shocked that this bad boy was gay and was interested in him

"Alright I'll stay a little while" he said "thank you.." He said pecking his lips again


Zayn and Niall where walking hand in hand to nialls house

"Here my house" Niall said close to grab the handle "wait I want to ask you something..." Zayn said holding his hand with his two hands

"Yeah?" He asked leaning against the wall

"Well...I though if you wanted to go out on a official real date with me...maybe a movie...dinner or hang out at my place maybe?" Zayn asked

"Well...how about we have dinner and watch a movie at your place"Niall said smiling

"Alright then I'll see ya on Saturday" he said letting go of nialls hand and walking away

Niall sighed he opened the door to his house and closed it he leaned against bitting his lower lip

His mom came in with a magazine "hey honey how was school today?" She asked sitting on the couch

"Mom...it was amazing!! I already have 8 friends and a guy asked me out!" He said Cheering

His dad came in "and who is this boy who asked out my son?" He said "his the baddest boy In school his name is zayn his really nice smart and fun and sweet"

"Well before your date I will like to meet him" he said "ummm...sure"

"Alright now go do your homework" he said "yeah dad " he said walking up the stairs to his room

He laid down on his bed and started thinking about when zayn kisses him


To be continued....

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