#44 teacher tease

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"Okay watch me babe" Niall said as he got ready to hit the ball he hit it and it went in the hole

I started clapping "nice work Niall..." I said he came up too me am kissed my cheek "why thank you" he said

I though for a few seconds and got a idea "hey Niall...can you show me how to stand while playing golf "

"Ohh well it's easy" he said putting the things down "you put your arms like this and legs like this" he said putting his hands with mine and separating my feet

"And then you bend and get a lil back.." He said "like this?" I said and pressed my bum against his front

"Cheeky move" he whisperd "I have more..." I said "show me then.." He growled in my ear "then lets go home" I said grabbing his hand and walking to the car


"Bye Liam.." Zayn said as Liam left "did you have fun with Liam teaching you how to dance?" I said drinking some of his water "yeah I learned this super cool move but it need to be with a girl..." He said

"Well can a boyfriend fit that place?" I said with a smile "yes..yes it can" he grabbed my hand and took me to the middle of the room

He stepped a few feet away he turned the music on (gas pedal)

"Okay one two three..put your hand like if your in a box then your fist now shake your bum"

I followed the steps "wait I got a different way" I said and got in front of him "lets do this like if we where behind a glass wall" I said

I hit the play buttoned and looked down at the floor the so g started and we started dancing

We moved our feet to both sides we looked up at echoder we moved our hands at the same way

I walked in front of him and placed a finger on his chest I pinned him to the wall and crashed my lips on his "you know I have another dance move but its somewhere different.."

He said putting his hands in my hips "ohh yeah and where is that?" I asked roming my hands I n his chest he leaned close to my ear and said

"My bed..." He said and planted a kiss on my neck "I will love too see that dance"

He grabbed my hand and walked me upstairs


Hey guys thank you so much for 2k it's really nice to know that people actually read this stuff I do

And last night I straight my hair for my crush and he started taking my stuff and now his a dick -____-

I want you to make tell me cute names for kids that you really like for the next imagine

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