#14 touchy

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me and Niall where at a party and we where dancing even if I'm a bad dancer "hey I'm going to the bathroom have to fix my hair" I said and he rolled his eyes

when I came back he dancing but some guy started getting touchy with him "hey please stop" he whimperd trying to get him off and he kept on and Niall was whimpering to much I walked to him and said "he said get the fuck off him" he let go of him and walked away

Niall quickly wrapped his arms around me with his head in my chest "Zayn he was touching me in wierd place" he whined I wrapped my arms around him and said "don't worry babe ill never let anyone else lay I hand on you ever!"


me and Zayn where at a club with the lads and I was talking with Harry in the bar "so how you and zayn" he asked "we are fine" I said taking a drinking "well some guy is touching him right now" he said looking at his directions "what?!" I said looking the same way

A tall guy with really really blonde dyes hair was touching him and being flirty "so you alone" he said "actuall-" I cut him off "yes his with me and I will like if you take your dirty hands off my boyfriend" I said "what you gonna do about it?" He said standing in front of me "what are you gonna do?" zayn asked him getting in the middle making the guy smaller

"Nothing" he said and walked away "that's how my Niall works" he said giving me a quick kiss on the lips

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