#62 kissing scars (niall)

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so I'm guessing you guys have seen this imagine but it's like a little edit but I'm gonna make it longer but just Niall and the zayn one later



zayn was gone for a few weeks sense he had to go to Bradford for some charity work and music stuff while I was left alone at home with my razor and twitter

I've cut this weeks like 10 and made a lot of them

My thighs

My hips

The back of my legs




And belly

I know it's a lot but I wasn't gonna make my arm bleed to death *sighs* wish I could

I was reading comments on my last tweet which was a picture of me and zayn you know a ziall selfie

All where nice and sweet but some said really hurtful words that I soon turned out to be really true to me

"Why is zayn with you?" "Zayn is was hotter then you " "zayns smile is so much better then your ugly teeth wich still need fixing to do" "why don't you just kill yourself"

A tear roll down my eye I looked down at my arm and saw all the cuts i have some still fresh

I heard a voice I looked up and it was zayn "zayn..."I said and ran to hug him and kiss him

"Niall I missed you some much" he said "I missed you too now tell me all about your trip" I said sitting both of us on the couch

"Tell me first about this" he said grabbing my arm and showing it too me

Shit I didn't cover my arm completely "I-i-"

"Show me your arm " he said "but...why?" I said

"I want to see how many times you needed me when I wasn't there" he said

I showed him and he just looked down "why...why did you do it?" He asked me

I just shrugged "show me where else you did it?" He said

I stood up and pulled my basketball shorts down and shirt off

I was Embarrassed that he had to see all my scars I hate when people ask me questions like in some sort of creature well I look like one

"I did it cuz of the truth...that I'm ugly....your too handsome and attractive for me.... You smile is perfect mine isn't ...I don't deserve you..."

He kissed my wrist, my belly , my arms , my ankles , my hips and my thighs

I smiled at him I never though someone will actually kiss my scars

He pulled me for a big kiss and looked straight into my eyes "that's all false ...your beautiful...I'm not too handsome for you your too handsome for me....you're smile could bring world peace and I do deserve you...I'm lucky I have you ...without you I would be trapped in my own little bubble " he said

I little tear fell down my cheek "I'm sorry" I said

"Don't say anything else come on let's go too our room and talk about something else " he said knowing I was tired of talking of this subject sense I hate talking of my self harm issues

"Zayn...thank you for being here for me...if you weren't I would be-" he cut me off "shh don't say it" he said he hates the thoughts of me being dead

"Ohh right I'm sorry" I said leaning and kissing him "I love you so fucking much" he said "I love you too" I said and took his hand and walked upstairs

He spend the rest of the day kissing my wrist telling me of his trip and hiding all the razors and knifes


Anyone ever seen this one? Tell me in the comments and also

Tell me what I should do for my next imagine

Well bye guys I love you all so so much and now that school is starting you know is gonna be hard to update

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