#84 tutoring smut

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so my parents live 3 neighbor hoods away and they want m

e to live in this cool house alone with money I make with my job, food I buy and electricity I pay for so I'm pretty ready for the future

But they still check up on my school work and grades and I'm failing science so they got the nerdiest kid in my school to come over and help me out

I heard a car horn and I opened my door and it was the kid with his mom "bye mum I'll see ya in a few hours" he said waving goodbye

She left and he shyly walked to my porch "h-hi I'm Niall" he said I eyes him up and down. He was wearing suspenders,tight cream pants,white button up with pencils and pens in his pocket and glasses that looked way big for him

"Hey I'm zayn why don't you come in?" I asked and he walked in "very lovely house you have" he said nicely he said looking it around

"Why don't we go and study up in my room?" I said as I saw him sitting down on the couch with his books "o-ok then" he said and walked up the stairs with me

I opened the door and he stopped for a sec and looked at my room. I hid the playboy magazine under my bed

"Sorry about that here sit" I said as I put the bean bag close to my small coffee table "well, alright let's get started, your mum told me she talked with the teacher and she gave me a list of the things she said that is making you flunk" he said

"And that shit is?" I said sitting back with a bottle of root beer in my hand "the human DNA and animal DNA, how to detect bacteria and organs of the human body that are combined in sexual intercourse" he said looking at me

"Okay well, I don't fucking care, I don't fucking know and a dick and a pussy" I said drinking some of my root beer like a boss

He cleared his throat and speaked "well okay, well human DNA and animal DNA are so different because-" blah blah blah blah is all I heard from him "and you can test by grabbing a few samples of the-" blah blah blah again from this fucking Albert Einstein

"And intercourse isn't just a "dick" and a "pussy" " he said moving his index and middle finger as he said the words " ever heard of anal? It shocks me a jock and jerk like you who watches dirty videos doesn't know about it" he said opening his book

I looked him up and down bit my lip as I saw his tight little shirt go to his tiny biceps and jeans making his crotch look nice on his manhood or boyhood

"I've heard of it but I'm not fully aware of it, how about we try it out?" I asked his eyes widen and looked at me "what? Gross!" He said "weird though you were gay after all those rumors and whispers I've heard" he looked down and back up with his cheeks red "I'm bisexual" he said

"Even better" I said attacking his lips I laid him down on the bean bag and rubbed his front by his jeans after a while he kissed back "but before that let's test something else" I said getting up and unbuckling my pants and unzipping them

"Umm...what do I do?" He asked "you lick and suck, you know like a lollipop" I said to him caressing his check with my thumb

He bend down and started giving it small tender kitty licks "ohhh my gosh...that's so good" I said bitting my lip as I throwed my head back "should I suck?" He asked looking up at me questionably "fuck yes baby" I said

He put his lips on the tip and sucked gently on it "fucking tease" I said leaning on the nearby desk I put my hand on the back of his head and made him take it all in his mouth "ughhh your so good at this" I said and he deep throath it "ugh fuck" I yelled

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