#19 someone finds rare pics on there phone

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so I was at my moms house cause it's been such a long time and Niall really loves her cooking and my sisters

"so Zayn how you and Niall?" She asked "we are good you know not much hate and people are really nice about ziall" I said and my sisters came down the stairs "hey Zayn can I borrow your phone for a sec?" She asked

"Yeah here" I said giving her the phone she unlocked it and 3 seconds later she was laughing and crying/laughing "honey what's wrong?" My mom asked

"Zayn I know Niall it's really good looking but do you really have to have this pic of him shirtless and umm a lil rare" she said and Niall started choking with embarrassment "ummm nothing to see there umm Niall lets go the dog is dying" I said grabbing his hand "yeah the 'dog"

My sister said "SHUT UP' I yelled from the front door


"Theo where are you" I said looking around for him "heheh" he giggled running by the hallway "got you" I said grabbing him

I sat him on the couch "want to see pictures on my phone?" I asked "yeah " he said and I have him my phone

I heard a knock on the door and it was Greg "hey where's the kiddo' he asked "in the couch " and then theo came showing the phone at us "look daddy is Zayn " he said showing him the phone "well that's a nice pic of Zayn naked" Greg said

I grabbed the phone "no one saw anything and you didn't see a thing little Greg " I said and he smiled big

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