Chapter 4- Mitch's POV.

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After we saw the horrible footage of Preston, Rob and Lachlan; Jerome stood up and carried me downstairs onto the couch. I curled up into his chest, a complete mess. I couldn't help but think about the last words the man said, "You're next." Jerome pulled away from me, leaving me on the couch, but he was back in a few seconds with two bottles of water, which he then gave one of them to me. I accepted it gladly and drank most of it in one go because my throat was sore from crying.

He pulled me closer to his chest once again and I gladly accepted his close contact, needing comfort. I could hear Jerome's breathing slowly steadying out, indicating that he was falling asleep and I decided it would be easiest to follow suit, so I settled down under his arm and let my eyes shut.

I woke to the sound of screaming, and suddenly I was shoved off the couch and I landed on the floor with a thud. Jerome let out another terrified scream and my eyes shot open, my heart thudding. Someone grabbed me from behind and I desperately tried to pull away letting out quiet screams of terror and panic. The person who grabbed me pulled my head up so I was leaning back into their shoulder and looking straight up at the ceiling.

I felt something cold on my neck and I stilled, knowing it was a knife. "Mitch!" Jerome screamed out, but I remained still until someone spoke again. "You move and he gets it, you got that!" Nothing came from Jerome so I assumed he had nodded. Someone forced a hand over my face and I felt something in my mouth, making me panic so I pushed away, desperately trying to get whatever was in my mouth, out.

It wasn't until someone pushed me backwards onto the ground and sat on my chest did my eyes start to droop. As I slowly started to lose consciousness I heard a struggle from Jerome and several voices yelling different things. "Mitch! Mitch please answer me!" He was sobbing and completely terrified, and I knew he was next. The last thing I could bring myself to do was open my eyes and make eye contact with Jerome, who was being held by 3 different men, before my vision faded and I fell into a realm of blackness.

Rob's POV.

I don't know how long I was out, but when I did wake up I saw the girl crouching beside Lachlan, who was now wide awake and his face was contorted in pain. He was breathing heavily and it wasn't until I saw the girl holding his head still did I realise that part of his blonde hair had been dyed red with blood. The girl was holding a dark blue rag that was damp with water and she was gently cleaning the cut.

When she saw that I was awake she motioned for me to come over and I did so, gingerly, and trying not to move to fast. Once I had moved into closer range I saw what had really happened. The cut ran all the way from the base of his collarbone to just under his ear, and it wasn't an accidental cut either because it was clearly made with a knife.

"Can you hold his hand please? I'm trying to clean the cut but he needs something to hold." Her voice was very soft, very quiet but she had clear authority over the situation. I gently picked up Lachlan's hand and sat cross legged near his chest, on the opposite side from the girl. She pressed the damp towel softly to his head and he gasped, squeezing my hand tightly. She continued to clean around the wound and he grasped my hand tightly, gritting his teeth. When she pressed the towel directly over the cut he gasped, tugged on my hand desperately and tried to pull away from the cloth.

She hissed a small apology to Lachlan and put the cloth to the side, and pulled a bandage from the grey backpack that was sitting beside her. She spent a while deciding how to put the bandage on, but when she did, she put it on sideways, meaning Lachlan couldn't move his neck forwards or backwards. He was still squeezing my hand and gritting his teeth in pain, but he was relaxing slightly with every moment. His eyes were closed and his breathing was uneven but as the girl moved away he went completely limp and I sighed with relief. The girl smiled tiredly at me, and continued to put everything back into her backpack.

She pulled a blanket from behind her, folded it up into the shape of a pillow and placed it behind Lachlan's head, letting him slip off to sleep. She checked the bandage quickly and placed another blanket over his body to keep him warm. I smiled down at Lachlan and then over at the girl, who was watching me carefully. A sharp thud drew my attention away from her to the door, which was now wide open and two men were standing in the doorway. Two bodies were shoved into the room and then pushed roughly onto the floor. The door swung shut with a loud thump, leaving us in the dim light once again.

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