Chapter 2- Jerome's POV.

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After Lachlan went to call Simon, Rob left his room to go and comfort Preston. Preston was curled up on his chair, his arms wrapped around himself and tears streaming silently down his face. I knew he wasn't very good with violent situations, but I never knew how much it could truly affect him. Rob appeared in my view and immediately rushed to Preston's side pulling him into a tight hug. He was shaking and made a grab at the front of Rob's shirt. Rob sat down on Preston's chair and pulled the younger boy closer than before.

Lachlan walked into the room, still on the phone with Simon and tears streaming down his face. All of a sudden he yelled loudly and collapsed forward, not moving, which was followed by a loud gunshot. Preston cowered into Rob's chest as a man dressed in full black walked into the view of the screen, crouched down by Lachlan's body and drew out a knife. He pressed it onto Lachlan's forearm and he let out a slight whimper of pain, barely reacting. Preston let out a yell for him and another man stepped into view and pulled him away from Rob. He cowered on the floor but the man stepped away from him and grabbed Rob by the arm, bending it backwards and forcing him to let out a desperate scream of pain. "Rob!" Preston yelled, terrified, pulling at the man's leg. The man kicked out disapprovingly, hitting Preston square in the face. The man let out a shout of order and three more people stepped into my view, one holding a gun. He fired two shots, aiming the gun at Preston's head. Both missed, hitting the wall behind him. Someone pushed Rob off the chair with a grunt and he landed on the ground with a loud thud. He knocked against the computer table and pushed a glass off which smashed on the ground.

Preston yelled out desperately again from behind the man who was holding him down "No! Please! Stop, leave them alone!" Tears were streaming down his face and he was struggling to reach for Rob, who was lying dangerously close to the broken glass. One of the men smirked and leant down over Lachlan, who was lying still on the ground with his eyes open now and his arms held protectively over his head in terror. The man moved his hands to above Lachlan's throat and gripped it tightly. He started to gasp and try to push the man's hands away but another man pulled Lachlan's hands above his head and held them there. "Lachlan! No! Please! Leave! Him! Alone!" Preston yelled out, crying out and shoving against the man's legs. Lachlan started to gasp and splutter, his entire face turning blue with the lack of air. The man let him go, and he fell limp on the ground, still breathing heavily and his eyes closed. One man stepped forward with a rope and tied Lachlan's hands and feet together. I almost started crying, because he made no attempt to struggle and lay still his chest heaving. One of them moved forwards and hit Lachlan's head violently, and completely stilling him.

Preston screamed out again and struggled against the now 3 men holding him, still crying. He suddenly seemed to give up the will to fight and he fell sideways against one of the men, who pushed him off them and onto the floor. He didn't sit up. I was suddenly aware of the boy who was huddled into my chest, shaking and whimpering. He couldn't even force himself to watch what was happening. Another scream from the computer pulled my attention from Mitch to the screen again. Preston was being held by his neck as his arms were tied together, but he was still making no attempt to struggle against the men. One of them noticed myself and Mitch on the other side of the Skype call and quickly walked towards the computer, looked at the screen and whispered "You're next" and disconnected the call.

Massive Time Skip. Like literally. Massive time skip. Like 12 hours. I'm lazy.

Robs POV.

I pulled at the ropes that were bonding my hands together and struggled desperately against them, trying anything I could to free myself. The sound of a door opening and I stilled, very scared. I couldn't see anything due to the fabric that was covering my eyes, and my body was still shaking with fear but the sound of whimpering drew my attention away from the door to the person was whimpering. They started to cough and I froze up. I knew that voice anywhere. It was Preston.

I struggled to speak because my throat was dry and I started to have a coughing fit, rolling onto my side and apparently trying to cough my lungs out. I gasped and felt myself go light-headed, and I started to fade out.

Just before I went out I heard a man's voice. "Some of them are awake girlie, now it's your turn, fix 'em up."

Jays POV.

I was forced into the cell, along with 3 of the 6 people that would be there eventually. I sighed. I felt so bad for them because it was my fault they were there in the first place and I wanted to help them escape. Then there was another noise of pain from Preston, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Jesus girl, you gotta help them" I thought, rushing over to Preston, who was lying on his side, his arms locked painfully behind him by the rope.

I gently brushed his dark hair out of his eyes, and saw him looking at me, terrified and desperately trying to pull away from me. "Hey, its okay, I'm not going to hurt you." I said, digging around in my backpack for my pocket knife. When I pulled it out and he saw it, he shrunk back into the wall with his eyes dilating in fear. I ignored this and proceeded to reach behind his back and cut the rope binding his hands together, and then the same to his feet.

He started to gingerly pull himself upright into a sitting position, so I moved over to where Rob was lying, cutting his ropes. He lay very still and as I pulled the blindfold over his head I noticed his eyes were closed and his body was limp. I sighed and gently lay him on his back so if he woke up he wouldn't panic as much by crouching over and not getting enough air into his lungs.

I moved over to where Lachlan was lying but I hadn't seen him move yet, so I wasn't sure if he was awake yet or not. I gingerly touched his wrist, but there was no movement other than his rhythmic breathing. Sighing, I cut his ropes and moved over to where Preston was sitting. I couldn't really do anything until he woke up.

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