Explaining The Scars

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I sat in second period, calculus, watching the time go by a little too quickly. If you haven’t noticed by now, I’m in advanced classes. I’ve always been good in school and I guess that’s why I’m not too popular. Well that’s what I tell myself to make me feel better about my life. I’m surprised Ashton even talked to me. He’s not popular, but he’s not one of the losers like me. I was actually kind of nerves to talk to him at break, which is right after this class. I just know he’s going to ask about my scars. I mean it’s not like I have a problem telling him, I don’t know why but I trust him completely, but school is not the time or place. My thoughts were suddenly cut off by the bell. I gathered my things and made my way to the chemistry class.

With every step I took my nerves grew. When Ashton came into my view my heart nearly bursted from pounding so fast. He looked over at me and smirked exposing one of his dimples. I smirked as well but looked down at the floor, taking small steps until I reached him. “Hey.” he said, approaching me softly. I brushed off the fact that he was already treating me differently, and smiled. “Hey.” I responded. “Can I take you somewhere?” he asked with a cheeky smile. “Where, we only have twenty minutes for break.” I pointed out. “We can ditch third.” he said like it was no big deal. It was a big deal to me, I’ve never ditched a class. “We can’t ditch class!” I yelled as he grabbed me lightly at my fingertips, sending a shock threw my body causing my heart to pump even faster. “Watch us.” he whispered, inches away from my face and sped off, pulling me behind him. “Ashton, where are we going!?” I yelled trying to keep up with the pace I was being pulled at. “You’ll see!” he yelled back as he pulled me through tons of people.

We soon came to a fence and Ashton began to climb it. “Well, what are you waiting for?” he smirked from the other side. “Ashton, I can’t ditch school.” I whispered, enlacing my fingers with the holes in the fence, pulling myself closer. “Come on, for me?” he said playing with my fingers. I looked around to see if anyone was watching while I let the thought ponder in my head. I saw that no one was even around us and looked back at Ashton. I began to climb the fence. “Fine.” I mumbled. When I reached the other side he took my backpack and hid it with his in a bush. I was guessing this wasn’t his first time ditching. He, again, pulled me until we reached a tall, abandoned building.

“Where are we?” I asked. He opened a gate that had a cut lock on it, I was assuming he had something to do with that. “I always go here when I’m upset or when I just want time to think.” he answered as he held the gate open for me, then the door. “I figured I could share it with you.” He smiled then held his arm out, gesturing me to walk in. I walked in and it was empty, it looked like it was a business building of some kind. I looked around in awe that he actually cared, and didn‘t just feel bad. “Come on.” He smiled, picking up my hand and walking with me up the stairs. He was holding my hand, but in a friendly kind of way. You know, the way where you don’t enlace your fingers together. We walked up at least four flights of stairs before we reached the top.

“This is my favorite spot especially at night, I’ll have to take you up here one night. It’s beautiful.” My eyes met his and we smiled at each other. He went over and sat on one side of a windowsill about five feet long and four feet tall. He glanced over at me and tapped the other side gesturing from me to sit across for him. I did so, and for a few moments it was silent. Not awkward, just peaceful. “May I ask you a personal question? You don’t have to answer.” Ashton asked, breaking the silence. I nodded for him to continue. I knew what this was about. “Why do you hurt yourself?” I exhaled deeply, thinking of how I could explain this.

“I don’t hurt myself. Others hurt me, emotionally and physically. I do this because it releases the sadness, the anger, the pain.” as I spoke my voice became softer and softer. He picked up my hand and asked another question. “Who hurts you?” I let my head hang low and answered. “People at school, my parents, him.” At this point I was speaking more to myself than Ashton. “Who’s he?" Tears escaped my eyes, they wouldn’t stop. Ashton lifted my head with his index finger, then gently wiped my tears. “Shh, baby it’s okay. You don’t have to talk any more.” We both stood up and I threw my arms over his shoulders, letting my tears fall as he soothingly rubbed my back. My crying came to a stop after a few minutes. “Thank you Ashton.” he smiled and took my hand, the same way as before, and we made our way back to school just like that. Hand in hand, and for the first time in a long time, I was happy.

**Hayden in the picture!! :)**

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